Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ouchie feet and violence data

June 5, 2012

E Komo Mai (welcome, enter). Tuesday today, nothing really special going on. Here's another appropriate song for you to enjoy. I'm listening to it now as I type this entry.

I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. Didn't get to sleep till after 2am. Here that is called Moi moi a (inability to sleep). So I was very tired when my alarm went off. I slept a bit longer and went in at 8. That means I got off at 4:30 instead of 3:30. On my way in from the parking lot I met Helene who is the... division chief? Maybe. I don't know... they have had a lot of reorganization lately. It is hard to remember all the names and who is who. here is a picture of my bed, which I was thinking of longingly today. I did have a small cup of the kona coffee with lots of almond milk. YUMMMMMMM.

Today I worked on data entry for the Hawaii State Domestic Violence Fatality Review (HSDVFR). The data itself was very interesting. However, I feel like my spine in my back and neck are fused in a scrunched position (can we say bad ergonomics of my desk and hair height) so I'm trying to stretch a bit. I entered data. ALLLLLLLLLLL day. I got 14 cases done today. That makes 24 total out of 40, so half done. The work is easy, just very time consuming. Tomorrow I will do a bit on it but will spend most of the day on my project. Ann and I will be starting to go over the CDC NISVS to select questions. We have 70 pages of survey to sort through. It'll be interesting.

For lunch I went to Kapiolani Community College cafeteria for lunch. I still had my half a sandwich but I wanted something to go with it and, honestly, I needed to get out of my chair and hike around a bit. I got a small cup of corn chowder. It wasn't great but wasn't bad either. Susan had brought cabbage rolls and gave me one of those. After eating one of those and my soup I was full. I did have the rest of the sandwich when I got home though.

On the way back from KCC Susan and I walked through Leahi Hospital grounds. There were a lot of mangoes fallen that nobody was going to gather so we gathered the ones that were still good and took them into work to give to folks there. We gave many away and I have one in the fridge to have with lunch tomorrow. I brought 3 home for the ladies here at the house also. We passed by this plant and it was pretty neat so I took a picture to share.

Nothing exciting this afternoon. The highlight of my afternoon was enjoying a cup of English Afternoon tea about 3pm. I know, try to contain your excitement. I have to say though, there are much worse things that having a slow, steady, not aggravating bunch of work to do that makes the day pass quickly and uneventfully. Not to mention I am very much enjoying working with this data. I walked home and took a picture of the heavily laden branches of my friendly attack mango tree. It didn't drop any gifts for me today (morning or afternoon) or at least none that weren't already taken by others. However, you can see from the picture that it is ready to drop more very soon.

So, that is it for today. I was going to hop on the bus and try to go to the beach this afternoon, but by 5pm it is not long enough before it starts to cool off and get dark. I will go in earlier tomorrow. Getting off at 3pm is plenty early, especially for me with my pale skin (a walking wannabe sunburn victim). I think the evening calls for a good book and an early bedtime. I'm reading Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assasin series as I said a few posts back. I am on the 4th book, Tangled Threads. I'll get out of work clothes and into something comfy and curl up with my book till I fall asleep.Resting my feet and the new blisters I have is high on my list of things to do tonight. My blisters now have blisters. ARGH.

I hope everyone is well. Aloha ahiahi (Good evening),


  1. Sounds like work has settled in for you. Hope you aren't out of neosporin. Hey what a cute kitty. Maybe you'll get better rest tonight and start on for a good rest of the week :)

    hakuna matata lol

  2. Need to get rif of those blisters so you can start surf lessons!
