Monday, June 18, 2012

Thoughts on things still to do

June 17, 2012

Today was a day of rest, and I mean that literally. I am posting this in the wee hours of Monday morning because I fell asleep around 6pm and just woke up. My brain is still thinking it is Sunday so that works for me! Today was a quiet day. I did some laundry, watched some Netflix and read. I ate some leftovers and was fortunate enough to catch up with some folks online.

The super amazing wonderful news is that Kate got me an Alice in Wonderland ticket for my birthday!!! WOWOWOWOWOWOW. That is so amazingly neat. Thank you Kate!!!!! I am so excited! It is for Saturday night, August 11. I am supposed to leave my room that day, but I have a plan. If I can't stay here (there is someone else planned to move in) I can go to the East-West Center and stay in the visitor lodging. Easy and about 1/3 the price of a hotel. I am so happy I will get to see this ballet before I leave. What a perfect way to end my stay here on Oahu.

One of the things I still need to plan is to go to the big island to see the volcanoes. I could go over a weekend. I think what I would rather do is fly to Oahu on August 12th, then do the volcanoes. I want to see them at dusk, I've been told that is amazing. So ideally I would fly to the big island, spend a couple of days there and do volcanoes during that time, then fly from there home. Looks like I can get a flight one-way from Oahu (Honolulu) to Hilo (big island) for about $87. The flight home looks around $900. Or I could leave Oahu and go home for about $700ish. Looks like I can fly round-trip to big island and back for about $175 leaving some Saturday early morning and returning Sunday evening. Might be the way to do it.

The other thing I definitely want to do is snorkel in Hanauma Bay. It has lifeguards on duty and apparently the majority is so shallow it is not even waist deep, so much safer than snorkeling on some random stretch of beach.

So of the HUGE list of things I have wanted to do while here, I have done everything but these 3 things. The Ballet is going to happen (thanks to Kate!!!!!), so now I just need to schedule the other 2 and make sure I don't miss those. I have been told I should also go to the swap meet held at the stadium. I'll try to do that also.

I should probably have a cup of tea, shower, and start getting ready for it becoming Monday in my brain.

Aloha kakahiaka, (good morning) (hehehe I don't get to say that very often on here)

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