August 22, 2012
This will be the last post for this blog. I am going to start a Kentucky blog to cover the month I promised but that is separate from the Hawaii blog. The purpose of the Hawaii blog was to document for myself, friends and family my time and adventures in Hawaii which is over. I want to print it all out and have it bound so I can keep it as a type of scrapbook.I will be copying and pasting the entries I have made here in Kentucky over to the new blog and removing them from here.
Here is the new link:
See you soon!
Melissa's GSIP Internship 2012 Hawaii
GSIP Internship 2012 Hawaii. I get to spend 3 months in Honolulu, Hawaii this summer doing an internship for HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) Maternal and Child Health Bureau. This is SO EXCITING!!! Follow along as I share the experience.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Birthday in Kentucky
August 14, 2012
I am safe and sound back home in Kentucky. I took a couple of pictures from the airplane window. The clouds were lovely.
The flight from Honolulu to Phoenix was fine. Quiet and peaceful. I didn't get much sleep though because I was cold. I tried to sleep but ended up reading for most of the flight. I had a VERY short layover in Phoenix. I basically got off the plane, walked directly to the next plane and boarded. I was in no danger of missing it, but it didn't leave time to wander around the airport, which was fine with me. It was 6am and there wasn't a lot open yet.
The flight from Phoenix to Charlotte was interesting. I enjoyed watching the scenery as we took off and remained below the clouds for a bit. The mountains were lovely - so different from what i am used to seeing. In Virginia the Blue Ridge Mountains are forested so they are covered with green. In Hawaii the mountains are green as well. These were bare rock, so they were very different to watch. Soon we went above the clouds and I went back to reading. It was a very rough flight, very turbulent. I don't get anxious over bumpy flights but other people were very upset. About 45 minutes outside Charlotte a man had a heart attack. A doctor and nurse took care of him and told the crew. We landed and got the paramedics onto the plane to take care of the man and get him off the plane. How very unfortunate for that poor fellow - I do hope he is alright.
I again had a very short layover and basically only had time to walk to my gate and get a soda from a nearby vendor. This plane was MUCH smaller. Again we had turbulence, which was even rougher due to the small aircraft. The person sitting next to me was terrified. She spent the flight crying. I talked to her a bit and distracted her, I even got her to smile a few times. After we landed she hugged me and thanked me for helping her through the flight. She is a professor from a local college and gave me her card. You never know where and when you'll meet people!
Scott and Michael met me at the airport. WOW! The boy has grown at least 4 inches this summer. Also his voice is changing and I hardly recognized it! We got my baggage and headed home. I came in and loved on kitties a bit, then handed out presents. Scott and Michael seemed to like what I brought them.They think it is pretty awesome to get gifts on my birthday. hehe. The kitties and dog seemed very happy to see me.
We went to LongHorn Steak House for my birthday dinner. We shared some Wild West Shrimp.
I got a 7 ounce Filet Mignon cooked medium, a loaded baked potato and a Steakhouse BLT salad. I love this salad - I wish they had them all the time.
Steakhouse BLT Salad
Fresh romaine tossed with parmesan ranch, topped with crisp
bacon, shaved parmesan, red onion and balsamic glaze. Served over
sliced tomatoes.
After dinner we went home and they told me some of what has been going on here. The doorbell rang and it was Rob and Alex dropping by with a birthday present. They gave me a nice handmade card and a super nice Cutco Spatula Spreader knife with a pretty pearl white handle. Rob says it is great to get mayo or stuff out of the bottom of the jar, spread, cut your ham or whatever you are putting on the sandwich then cut the sandwich as well. It looks really nice. I appreciate it a bunch!
We were all really tired and school started the next day. We chatted with Rob and Alex a bit about any suggestions they may have to help Michael (Alex just graduated from Lafayette where he will be going). We said our goodnights and they went home. We all immediately went to bed, we were super tired.
All in all a good trip and a good evening at home.
Goodnight and sweet dreams!
I am safe and sound back home in Kentucky. I took a couple of pictures from the airplane window. The clouds were lovely.
The flight from Honolulu to Phoenix was fine. Quiet and peaceful. I didn't get much sleep though because I was cold. I tried to sleep but ended up reading for most of the flight. I had a VERY short layover in Phoenix. I basically got off the plane, walked directly to the next plane and boarded. I was in no danger of missing it, but it didn't leave time to wander around the airport, which was fine with me. It was 6am and there wasn't a lot open yet.
The flight from Phoenix to Charlotte was interesting. I enjoyed watching the scenery as we took off and remained below the clouds for a bit. The mountains were lovely - so different from what i am used to seeing. In Virginia the Blue Ridge Mountains are forested so they are covered with green. In Hawaii the mountains are green as well. These were bare rock, so they were very different to watch. Soon we went above the clouds and I went back to reading. It was a very rough flight, very turbulent. I don't get anxious over bumpy flights but other people were very upset. About 45 minutes outside Charlotte a man had a heart attack. A doctor and nurse took care of him and told the crew. We landed and got the paramedics onto the plane to take care of the man and get him off the plane. How very unfortunate for that poor fellow - I do hope he is alright.
I again had a very short layover and basically only had time to walk to my gate and get a soda from a nearby vendor. This plane was MUCH smaller. Again we had turbulence, which was even rougher due to the small aircraft. The person sitting next to me was terrified. She spent the flight crying. I talked to her a bit and distracted her, I even got her to smile a few times. After we landed she hugged me and thanked me for helping her through the flight. She is a professor from a local college and gave me her card. You never know where and when you'll meet people!
Scott and Michael met me at the airport. WOW! The boy has grown at least 4 inches this summer. Also his voice is changing and I hardly recognized it! We got my baggage and headed home. I came in and loved on kitties a bit, then handed out presents. Scott and Michael seemed to like what I brought them.They think it is pretty awesome to get gifts on my birthday. hehe. The kitties and dog seemed very happy to see me.
We went to LongHorn Steak House for my birthday dinner. We shared some Wild West Shrimp.
I got a 7 ounce Filet Mignon cooked medium, a loaded baked potato and a Steakhouse BLT salad. I love this salad - I wish they had them all the time.
Steakhouse BLT Salad 
Fresh romaine tossed with parmesan ranch, topped with crisp
bacon, shaved parmesan, red onion and balsamic glaze. Served over
sliced tomatoes.After dinner we went home and they told me some of what has been going on here. The doorbell rang and it was Rob and Alex dropping by with a birthday present. They gave me a nice handmade card and a super nice Cutco Spatula Spreader knife with a pretty pearl white handle. Rob says it is great to get mayo or stuff out of the bottom of the jar, spread, cut your ham or whatever you are putting on the sandwich then cut the sandwich as well. It looks really nice. I appreciate it a bunch!
We were all really tired and school started the next day. We chatted with Rob and Alex a bit about any suggestions they may have to help Michael (Alex just graduated from Lafayette where he will be going). We said our goodnights and they went home. We all immediately went to bed, we were super tired.
All in all a good trip and a good evening at home.
Goodnight and sweet dreams!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Return Itinerary
August 13, 2012
Itinerary for the trip home.
I will be home about 3:36pm on August 14th, my birthday! I am gaining 6 hours of time difference as well, so my internal clock will me very confused when I get home. Only 11ish hours of flight time and no long layovers!
See everyone on the flip side!
Itinerary for the trip home.
Honolulu, HI
Flight #/ Carrier |
Depart |
Arrive |
Travel time |
09:00 PM HNL |
05:54 AM PHX |
5h 54m |
| |||||||||
06:30 AM PHX |
01:29 PM CLT |
3h 59m |
| |||||||||
02:34 PM CLT |
03:46 PM LEX |
1h 12m |
I will be home about 3:36pm on August 14th, my birthday! I am gaining 6 hours of time difference as well, so my internal clock will me very confused when I get home. Only 11ish hours of flight time and no long layovers!
See everyone on the flip side!
Aloha 'Oe (Farewell to Thee)
August 13, 2012
Aloha awakea! (Good Mid-day!)
Welcome to my last day in Hawaii. I woke up at 6:30 and moved my suitcase and the last of my gifts to send home downstairs to an empty room. I spent the morning organizing and packing those gifts and getting them ready for the post office. I was going to take them as a carry on, but I really don't want to have to haul stuff around airports. I placed a bag that will work as a carry on in the top of my luggage in case it is over 50 lbs. If so I will pull out that bag, and i have a few items that I know are a bit heavy to throw in there which should keep my checked bag under 50 lbs. Since I only have my backpack I can then take those overweight items as my carry on luggage. So I have a plan. I sincerely hope it is under 50 lbs though so I don't have to bother carrying the extra bag around during my trip.
Ann e-mailed and we made plans for Lisa, Ann and I to go have lunch. They were very nice and took me to the post office so I could mail my packages. I sent a big heavy box home to distribute amongst many people. I also sent boxes to Debbie and my mom as well as Kate and her crew ;) So as I said in messages to them, "When you receive a box that looks like it was packed by a drunk hippie, that's from me". I appreciate Ann helping me get the boxes to the car and into the post office.
After the post office we went to Dillingham Saimin in Kalihi. I had the special saimin bowl. It is saimin noodles in broth, with won tun, sliced fish cake and 2 tempura shrimp. I added Chinese hot mustard sauce and shoyu. It was very good and only $8.95. I couldn't possibly finish my food. I felt bad for leaving so much but I couldn't exactly bring it back to eat later.
Once we finished we drove me back home but stopped along the way at Emily's office so I could get the bag from her that I left in her car after the ballet. Those are small items I can put in my backpack for the trip. She also gave me a neat shirt :) I will miss her so much!
They dropped me off at home and I said my last goodbye to Lisa (for this trip). I certainly am going to stay in touch. I will miss her a lot! Not to mention I will miss Papa George so much as well. I have been so very lucky with everyone I have met here and been able to get to know.
I have been entering these last blog entries while sharing a cup of tea with Yu, one of my housemates. This tea is utterly delightful. I got a photo of the package so I could try to find it when I get home. This reminds me of the very nice people I have met here in the house. I was very fortunate to find this place. Again, I am thankful for the people I have met here at the house and hope to stay in contact with as well.
I will shower, change into clean comfortable traveling clothes and pack my laptop in about an hour. Ann will be here to pick me up for the airport at around 6pm. She will drop me off and I can say goodbye to her then. Ann is the person who wrote the proposal to even ask for an intern, she has been my preceptor and friend while I have been here. I know that we will also stay in touch when I go home.
I will make a quick separate post with my flight itinerary then be ready to pack up the laptop. I have been asked by Jane at work to continue the blog for a it after I get home so people here can see pictures and what life is like back home. I said I'd continue for a month - I figure people will be bored at looking at my everyday stuff by then!
As a final goodbye for my Hawaii friends and those of you who have read this blog and known me I will share some contact information. Please feel free to e-mail me anytime. It is by far the best way to reach me. Tell me how you are and if there is anything in particular you'd like to see on the blog. I will be hoping to hear from you.
Mahalo nui loa, E pili mau na pomaika`i ia `oe, and Me ka aloha pumehana.
(Thank you very much, May Blessings ever be with you, and with kindest regards, warm aloha.)
Aloha 'Oe (Farewell to Thee) the famous piece by Queen Liliʻuokalani's most famous song and a fitting end to the blog entries for Hawaii. The video shows lovely images from all the islands.
Aloha wau ia 'oe Hawaii... (I love you Hawaii...)
Aloha awakea! (Good Mid-day!)
Welcome to my last day in Hawaii. I woke up at 6:30 and moved my suitcase and the last of my gifts to send home downstairs to an empty room. I spent the morning organizing and packing those gifts and getting them ready for the post office. I was going to take them as a carry on, but I really don't want to have to haul stuff around airports. I placed a bag that will work as a carry on in the top of my luggage in case it is over 50 lbs. If so I will pull out that bag, and i have a few items that I know are a bit heavy to throw in there which should keep my checked bag under 50 lbs. Since I only have my backpack I can then take those overweight items as my carry on luggage. So I have a plan. I sincerely hope it is under 50 lbs though so I don't have to bother carrying the extra bag around during my trip.
Ann e-mailed and we made plans for Lisa, Ann and I to go have lunch. They were very nice and took me to the post office so I could mail my packages. I sent a big heavy box home to distribute amongst many people. I also sent boxes to Debbie and my mom as well as Kate and her crew ;) So as I said in messages to them, "When you receive a box that looks like it was packed by a drunk hippie, that's from me". I appreciate Ann helping me get the boxes to the car and into the post office.
After the post office we went to Dillingham Saimin in Kalihi. I had the special saimin bowl. It is saimin noodles in broth, with won tun, sliced fish cake and 2 tempura shrimp. I added Chinese hot mustard sauce and shoyu. It was very good and only $8.95. I couldn't possibly finish my food. I felt bad for leaving so much but I couldn't exactly bring it back to eat later.
Once we finished we drove me back home but stopped along the way at Emily's office so I could get the bag from her that I left in her car after the ballet. Those are small items I can put in my backpack for the trip. She also gave me a neat shirt :) I will miss her so much!
They dropped me off at home and I said my last goodbye to Lisa (for this trip). I certainly am going to stay in touch. I will miss her a lot! Not to mention I will miss Papa George so much as well. I have been so very lucky with everyone I have met here and been able to get to know.
I have been entering these last blog entries while sharing a cup of tea with Yu, one of my housemates. This tea is utterly delightful. I got a photo of the package so I could try to find it when I get home. This reminds me of the very nice people I have met here in the house. I was very fortunate to find this place. Again, I am thankful for the people I have met here at the house and hope to stay in contact with as well.
I will shower, change into clean comfortable traveling clothes and pack my laptop in about an hour. Ann will be here to pick me up for the airport at around 6pm. She will drop me off and I can say goodbye to her then. Ann is the person who wrote the proposal to even ask for an intern, she has been my preceptor and friend while I have been here. I know that we will also stay in touch when I go home.
I will make a quick separate post with my flight itinerary then be ready to pack up the laptop. I have been asked by Jane at work to continue the blog for a it after I get home so people here can see pictures and what life is like back home. I said I'd continue for a month - I figure people will be bored at looking at my everyday stuff by then!
As a final goodbye for my Hawaii friends and those of you who have read this blog and known me I will share some contact information. Please feel free to e-mail me anytime. It is by far the best way to reach me. Tell me how you are and if there is anything in particular you'd like to see on the blog. I will be hoping to hear from you.
Mahalo nui loa, E pili mau na pomaika`i ia `oe, and Me ka aloha pumehana.
(Thank you very much, May Blessings ever be with you, and with kindest regards, warm aloha.)
Aloha 'Oe (Farewell to Thee) the famous piece by Queen Liliʻuokalani's most famous song and a fitting end to the blog entries for Hawaii. The video shows lovely images from all the islands.
Aloha wau ia 'oe Hawaii... (I love you Hawaii...)
Dutch baby and packing
August 12, 2012
Romi, Tracy and I went to The Original Pancake House this morning for breakfast. We wanted to try the Dutch Baby which is a german baked pancake. You squeeze lemon juice over it then sprinkle on powdered sugar and eat. It was quite good. We also all split a potato omelet, sausage links and crispy bacon. I had about 6 cups of tea and a large glass of guava juice. Trying to pack in the liquids today :) I didn't get photos at the time so here is one from the website of the Dutch Baby.
I returned home and started packing. I managed to get all my clothing packed and just leave out what I need for tomorrow. I didn't pack the last items to ship yet so i will also do that tomorrow. I tried to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics but it was bizarre and uninteresting to me so I went upstairs and read. I went to bed pretty early since I was just exhausted from Saturday's adventures.
I find it remarkable that I have spent 3 months living here and I can be packed and organized in a couple of hours. I think that is very good. I have also kept my room clean and tidy so i don't have a lot of frantic cleaning to have to do.
Romi, Tracy and I went to The Original Pancake House this morning for breakfast. We wanted to try the Dutch Baby which is a german baked pancake. You squeeze lemon juice over it then sprinkle on powdered sugar and eat. It was quite good. We also all split a potato omelet, sausage links and crispy bacon. I had about 6 cups of tea and a large glass of guava juice. Trying to pack in the liquids today :) I didn't get photos at the time so here is one from the website of the Dutch Baby.
I returned home and started packing. I managed to get all my clothing packed and just leave out what I need for tomorrow. I didn't pack the last items to ship yet so i will also do that tomorrow. I tried to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics but it was bizarre and uninteresting to me so I went upstairs and read. I went to bed pretty early since I was just exhausted from Saturday's adventures.
I find it remarkable that I have spent 3 months living here and I can be packed and organized in a couple of hours. I think that is very good. I have also kept my room clean and tidy so i don't have a lot of frantic cleaning to have to do.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Saturday Part 2 - Alice, Superheroes and a night on the town
August 11, 2012
Ok, so let me begin by saying I had an utterly fabulous evening. The whole day was made of awesome to be honest. This is just such a great final weekend for my time here in Hawaii.
Thanks to the generous birthday gift from Kate I was able to attend the Ballet Hawaii production of Alice in Wonderland in collaboration with The Washington Ballet. Here is the YouTube ad.
This was the most absolutely amazing thing I have ever seen. The dancing was far and away the best I have ever seen from the principal dancers of The Washington Ballet. The corps performed by the local ballet school summer intensive program students was very good as well. The choreography was purely brilliant. In any ballet I have experienced personally or seen in an form (TV, movies, DVD's) I have never EVER seen better choreography that so fit the characters yet was shockingly delightful to the senses. The demeanor of the dancer portraying Alice made it so easy to slip into the fantasy of seeing her as a little girl. The dancers portraying the animals and the other characters were just amazing and made you forget they could be anyone other than their character. In short, the dancers were a marvel of delight and engaged the audience into surrendering to the fantasy they wove on stage.
Then there were the sets and scenery. I have NEVER seen such a delightful mixture of sets and scenery. The sheer creativity was astounding. The massive stage productions of Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera with their stage sets was breathtaking and intense. For Alice they were just so creative and clever you kept hear the audience gasp and chuckle amidst a chorus of "WOW's". The costuming was equally brilliant and creative. You can see some YouTube snippets of the making of this ballet and some of the choreography and costumes from these clips:
Here is a photo slideshow to see some more costuming.
Here were some photos I took of the evening:
Me at home getting ready for the ballet.
My program and ticket :)
I bought the LAST Disappearing Cheshire Cat mug. You add hot liquid and the Cheshire Cat disappears. Too awesome to pass up.
Me at the ballet. The folks upstairs in the general seating balcony were casually dressed. however, In the orchestra (floor level) people were dressed very nicely so i was glad I dressed up.
After The ballet ended Emily, Hiro, Bryan and his neighbor Drea picked me up and we went to Yakitori Glad. We had some meat skewers and I started my evening libations. I have no idea what we ate. They had gone to a fundraiser event beforehand for animal rescue called "Everyday Heroes". It was a superhero themed costume party. Being from Louisiana/New Orleans they are good at the making costumes aspect. Emily went as a hipster Underdog, Bryan was Superman, Hiro was the Green Flash, and Drea was Rogue. So here they are in costume:
Hiro with a very happy group of Japanese kids and their mom.
Hiro in the doorway tot he restaurant. He was having a blast.
Emily and Hiro went home and Bryan, Drea and I left and continued on to other venues. We eventually ended up at Kelly O'Niell's Irish Pub where we finished up the night. Bryan dressed as Superman was a huge hit. I was bought drinks by several folks and asked to dance, which I declined due to my ankle. However, we just enjoyed the music, the alcohol and the company. We had a great time. We caught a cab home and finally got to our respective homes about 4:30am. A shower and big bottle of water later and it was almost 5:30 before I got to bed.
A LONG but wonderful day! This weekend has been the absolute best, most wonderful, amazing and fabulous of my entire time here - and probably for a very long time. I am so glad I have gotten to spend time with so many great people I have met here and see so many wonderful things, and try so much great food!!! Mahala for the great bon voyage!
Malama pono, (Take care)
Ok, so let me begin by saying I had an utterly fabulous evening. The whole day was made of awesome to be honest. This is just such a great final weekend for my time here in Hawaii.
Thanks to the generous birthday gift from Kate I was able to attend the Ballet Hawaii production of Alice in Wonderland in collaboration with The Washington Ballet. Here is the YouTube ad.
This was the most absolutely amazing thing I have ever seen. The dancing was far and away the best I have ever seen from the principal dancers of The Washington Ballet. The corps performed by the local ballet school summer intensive program students was very good as well. The choreography was purely brilliant. In any ballet I have experienced personally or seen in an form (TV, movies, DVD's) I have never EVER seen better choreography that so fit the characters yet was shockingly delightful to the senses. The demeanor of the dancer portraying Alice made it so easy to slip into the fantasy of seeing her as a little girl. The dancers portraying the animals and the other characters were just amazing and made you forget they could be anyone other than their character. In short, the dancers were a marvel of delight and engaged the audience into surrendering to the fantasy they wove on stage.
Then there were the sets and scenery. I have NEVER seen such a delightful mixture of sets and scenery. The sheer creativity was astounding. The massive stage productions of Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera with their stage sets was breathtaking and intense. For Alice they were just so creative and clever you kept hear the audience gasp and chuckle amidst a chorus of "WOW's". The costuming was equally brilliant and creative. You can see some YouTube snippets of the making of this ballet and some of the choreography and costumes from these clips:
Here is a photo slideshow to see some more costuming.
Here were some photos I took of the evening:
Me at home getting ready for the ballet.
My program and ticket :)
I bought the LAST Disappearing Cheshire Cat mug. You add hot liquid and the Cheshire Cat disappears. Too awesome to pass up.
Me at the ballet. The folks upstairs in the general seating balcony were casually dressed. however, In the orchestra (floor level) people were dressed very nicely so i was glad I dressed up.
After The ballet ended Emily, Hiro, Bryan and his neighbor Drea picked me up and we went to Yakitori Glad. We had some meat skewers and I started my evening libations. I have no idea what we ate. They had gone to a fundraiser event beforehand for animal rescue called "Everyday Heroes". It was a superhero themed costume party. Being from Louisiana/New Orleans they are good at the making costumes aspect. Emily went as a hipster Underdog, Bryan was Superman, Hiro was the Green Flash, and Drea was Rogue. So here they are in costume:
Hiro with a very happy group of Japanese kids and their mom.
Hiro in the doorway tot he restaurant. He was having a blast.
Emily and Hiro went home and Bryan, Drea and I left and continued on to other venues. We eventually ended up at Kelly O'Niell's Irish Pub where we finished up the night. Bryan dressed as Superman was a huge hit. I was bought drinks by several folks and asked to dance, which I declined due to my ankle. However, we just enjoyed the music, the alcohol and the company. We had a great time. We caught a cab home and finally got to our respective homes about 4:30am. A shower and big bottle of water later and it was almost 5:30 before I got to bed.
A LONG but wonderful day! This weekend has been the absolute best, most wonderful, amazing and fabulous of my entire time here - and probably for a very long time. I am so glad I have gotten to spend time with so many great people I have met here and see so many wonderful things, and try so much great food!!! Mahala for the great bon voyage!
Malama pono, (Take care)
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Saturday Part 1 - Bakery hopping and shopping
August 11, 2012
Another wonderful day ahead. This day will be made of awesome.
To begin the day Emily and Hiro picked me up to go "Bakery Hopping". This is like an extremely fatterning version of a gallery hop.
Our first stop was at Whole Foods for iced mochas, chocolate hazelnut gelato and guava macaroons. I didn't take photos of the iced mochas or gelato because they look just like every other iced mocha and gelato/ice cream. The gelato was AMAZING. Love love love. Here is the guava macaroon. This was the best macaroon I have ever had in my life. The filling was so light and fluffy and the cookie part was light with a delicate crust. Freaking amazing.
The next stop on the hop was the Regal Bakery for donuts. Let me just say WOW. The top left is maple and bacon on a fluffy yeast type donut. Bottom left is li hing powder sprinkled on a pineapple cake donut, top right is a buttermilk cake donut with a sugar glaze, and the bottom right is a almond choca cake donut. The almond choca crunch topping tastes like Skor chocolate covered toffee bar crumbles. These were so amazingly good. I don't know that I have a favorite. If I had to pick one it would be the buttermilk... or maybe the almond choca. Too good to choose! I never want to eat a Krispy Kreme or other donut ever again. Not even Spaulding's back home. These are the best ever.
Next was Liliha Bakery for green tea puffs and a coco puff. These are cream puffs. The coco puff is chocolate cream filled with chantilly frosting on top. It was good. The green tea was green tea flavored cream filling and frosting. VERY GOOD. This is taken from the website to describe these wonderful concoctions: (Here is the link)
The Magic Puff
It's how to make amends with a friend, impress your significant other's family and celebrate a milestone. Liliha Bakery's coco puffs are that kind of magic. The butteriness and creaminess of this chocolate-filled puffed pastry can't be matched nor explained. There's a reason we sell between 4,800 and 7,200 every day. And you can now try our new flavor - green tea coco puffs.
Next was Diamond Head Grill for their famous blueberry and cream cheese scones. These were FREAKING AWESOME. Big blueberries, big chunks of cream cheese, and a deligtfully buttery scone that is more like a muffin top than a crumbly cookie or biscuit. Yum yum yum... Super yum. We were all about to fall into a sugar coma so we shared one.
After this we dropped Hiro off and went shopping at Ala Moana mall. I needed to get a last few gift items for people back home. I also got 3 Pandora beads for myself to remember my trip here. I got the turtle - to remember snorkeling with turtles (and dolphins) since it was only $25. I also got the teacup ($25) and teapot ($45) to remember my Alice in Wonderland ballet I get to see tonight! I absolutely love Alice in Wonderland. Also, anyone who knows me is aware that I love tea, though I don't like all kinds of tea. I don't normally buy myself charms but it has been over a year since I got one. For less than $100 I thought I should have something to keep to remember my trip. All I have gotten for myself so far is one sundress! I didn't bring my bracelet but I'll take photos of it with the charms when I get home.
After the stop at the Pandora store Emily and I went shopping for her costume tonight. She is going to a Yelp! party with a superhero theme. It was SO MUCH FUN costume shopping for her, Hiro and Bryan. I can't wait to see photos but I don't know if they'll let me share them here. I would have gone but I have ballet tigkets! We might get together afterwards if we are not all too tired.
Now that the blog is all caught up it is time for me to get ready and head to the ballet. I will add more about that afterwards.
To be continued...
Another wonderful day ahead. This day will be made of awesome.
To begin the day Emily and Hiro picked me up to go "Bakery Hopping". This is like an extremely fatterning version of a gallery hop.
Our first stop was at Whole Foods for iced mochas, chocolate hazelnut gelato and guava macaroons. I didn't take photos of the iced mochas or gelato because they look just like every other iced mocha and gelato/ice cream. The gelato was AMAZING. Love love love. Here is the guava macaroon. This was the best macaroon I have ever had in my life. The filling was so light and fluffy and the cookie part was light with a delicate crust. Freaking amazing.
The next stop on the hop was the Regal Bakery for donuts. Let me just say WOW. The top left is maple and bacon on a fluffy yeast type donut. Bottom left is li hing powder sprinkled on a pineapple cake donut, top right is a buttermilk cake donut with a sugar glaze, and the bottom right is a almond choca cake donut. The almond choca crunch topping tastes like Skor chocolate covered toffee bar crumbles. These were so amazingly good. I don't know that I have a favorite. If I had to pick one it would be the buttermilk... or maybe the almond choca. Too good to choose! I never want to eat a Krispy Kreme or other donut ever again. Not even Spaulding's back home. These are the best ever.
Next was Liliha Bakery for green tea puffs and a coco puff. These are cream puffs. The coco puff is chocolate cream filled with chantilly frosting on top. It was good. The green tea was green tea flavored cream filling and frosting. VERY GOOD. This is taken from the website to describe these wonderful concoctions: (Here is the link)
The Magic Puff
It's how to make amends with a friend, impress your significant other's family and celebrate a milestone. Liliha Bakery's coco puffs are that kind of magic. The butteriness and creaminess of this chocolate-filled puffed pastry can't be matched nor explained. There's a reason we sell between 4,800 and 7,200 every day. And you can now try our new flavor - green tea coco puffs.
Next was Diamond Head Grill for their famous blueberry and cream cheese scones. These were FREAKING AWESOME. Big blueberries, big chunks of cream cheese, and a deligtfully buttery scone that is more like a muffin top than a crumbly cookie or biscuit. Yum yum yum... Super yum. We were all about to fall into a sugar coma so we shared one.
After this we dropped Hiro off and went shopping at Ala Moana mall. I needed to get a last few gift items for people back home. I also got 3 Pandora beads for myself to remember my trip here. I got the turtle - to remember snorkeling with turtles (and dolphins) since it was only $25. I also got the teacup ($25) and teapot ($45) to remember my Alice in Wonderland ballet I get to see tonight! I absolutely love Alice in Wonderland. Also, anyone who knows me is aware that I love tea, though I don't like all kinds of tea. I don't normally buy myself charms but it has been over a year since I got one. For less than $100 I thought I should have something to keep to remember my trip. All I have gotten for myself so far is one sundress! I didn't bring my bracelet but I'll take photos of it with the charms when I get home.
After the stop at the Pandora store Emily and I went shopping for her costume tonight. She is going to a Yelp! party with a superhero theme. It was SO MUCH FUN costume shopping for her, Hiro and Bryan. I can't wait to see photos but I don't know if they'll let me share them here. I would have gone but I have ballet tigkets! We might get together afterwards if we are not all too tired.
Now that the blog is all caught up it is time for me to get ready and head to the ballet. I will add more about that afterwards.
To be continued...
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