August 2, 2012
`Olu`olu komo mai (Please come in.) Pehea oukou? (How are you all?)
Today was thankfully a calm day. I went in early to get some time in on the DVFR since I lost a day and a half of work. The morning was spent mainly looking for information in case files, verifying information, and discussions with Ann and Tod to clarify some thoughts about DVFR. I had a couple of pauses to do paperwork that needed to be done. Minini (small) interruptions. Otherwise it was a productive morning.
Lunch was a variety of leftovers, so no photos and nothing interesting to talk about. Blah. I was happy to get back to work. A slight delay ensued because I found another case file. After verifying that it SHOULD be entered I entered it into the DVFR SPSS data. UGH. This changes every single table and chart I'd made, as well as most calculations in the narrative of the DVFR report. I spent the rest of the afternoon redoing the tables and charts. Tomorrow I will replace the current ones in the report with the corrected tables, charts and graphs. Then I will go through the narrative and make the needed calculation changes there as well.
I left work and paused to take a picture. This is the building on the corner where my friends Emily and Jane work on Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). This is also where the CDC Epidemiologist is housed and a variety of other work is done. I walk by it daily and couldn't recall if I had shared a photo.
I saw an interesting something hanging from a bush? I don't know if it is a climbing vine taking advantage of the structure of the bush or if it is part of the bush itself. I have NO IDEA what these hanging fruit/pod/whatevers are. I figured I'd take a photo and maybe someone can enlighten me.
I was walking home and I saw this pale purple flower. I didn't notice it this morning. It was a nice newcomer to the scene of my walk home.
Once I started on the last part of my walk home I paused to take a couple of photos. The sky looked lovely and the ocean beautiful as always. I wanted to share this with everyone.
I got home and realized I've never shared the obstacle course of entering the building. Usually there are a variety of shoes and slippers (flip flops we call them at home) outside the door since we don't wear shoes inside. Then you enter and there is a rug to help catch sand and dust from feet. The rug is usually rumpled and a wonderful way to trip people. Then there is the possibility of Suffice to say, you ALWAYS turn on the light if it is dark outside so you don't trip and go crashing into the wall or floor.
I wasn't hungry for a big dinner (just munchy hungry) so I just had a few pieces of jerky. I had some tidying to do downstairs from where I cooked last night. I needed to get that done so the other ladies in the house could use the kitchen without piles of clean dishes everywhere. I watched the olympics and nibbled on Tostitos with a hint of lime. YUM. I love those. I have salsa but I don't even need it. I just eat the tortilla chips and am happy. They are also gluten free. I try to remember when I find things that are since I know people who can't have gluten or have family who cannot have gluten.
I ended my evening by finishing off the Talenti Blood Orange sorbetto. It is dangerously good. I absolutely LOVE Talenti. My favorites are a toss up between the toasted almond or the coconut. Jeff got me addicted to them. I try to keep some in the freezer. Usually just a spoonful or two will be good. I don't need to sit and eat a whole container or anything. I've been eating on this container since the week after I arrived. And I am finishing it almost a week before I leave. So not bad!If you have never tried it you should do so. It is expensive compared to cheap ice creams, but no more so than going to an ice cream store and getting a pint there. This isn't a load big scoops into a bowl or make into a milkshake type of dessert. This is gelato or sorbetto and it is wonderful. Savor it. Jeff's favorite is the caribbean coconut. I notmally don't care for coconut desserts where the coconut is the focus. However, I absolutely LOVE the carribean coconut they make. I am convinced it is my favorite till I have some toasted almond then i realize it is my favorite. Repeat. I've tried about half of the other flavors. The tahitian vanilla bean, belgian milk chocolate, black cherry, sicilian pistachio, and roman raspberry I thought were good but not amazing. I also had a peach champagne flavor that I don't see on their site which I didn't care for much. I really enjoyed the blood orange sorbetto. I see on the website they have several new flavors. I'll have to try those!
I am pondering what to do this weekend. Tomorrow night is pau hana (after work) at Sam Choy's then a Bon dance afterwards. I'm sure I'll have a lot to share from that. I'd like to do something this weekend but I am not sure what exactly.
For now it is time for bed. I hope to wake up early and be at work by 7 to get going on finishing the report. I am going to try finishing the last bit of a kindle book I am reading that isn't great. It isn't even good really. I don't feel the need to share the info because I have no intentions of recommending anyone read it. I have to say, it has been great to read at night to put me to sleep. Better than a Tylenol PM.
A hui kaua, (Until we meet again)
That mystery fruit looks like lilikoi to me: