I am safe and sound back home in Kentucky. I took a couple of pictures from the airplane window. The clouds were lovely.
The flight from Honolulu to Phoenix was fine. Quiet and peaceful. I didn't get much sleep though because I was cold. I tried to sleep but ended up reading for most of the flight. I had a VERY short layover in Phoenix. I basically got off the plane, walked directly to the next plane and boarded. I was in no danger of missing it, but it didn't leave time to wander around the airport, which was fine with me. It was 6am and there wasn't a lot open yet.
The flight from Phoenix to Charlotte was interesting. I enjoyed watching the scenery as we took off and remained below the clouds for a bit. The mountains were lovely - so different from what i am used to seeing. In Virginia the Blue Ridge Mountains are forested so they are covered with green. In Hawaii the mountains are green as well. These were bare rock, so they were very different to watch. Soon we went above the clouds and I went back to reading. It was a very rough flight, very turbulent. I don't get anxious over bumpy flights but other people were very upset. About 45 minutes outside Charlotte a man had a heart attack. A doctor and nurse took care of him and told the crew. We landed and got the paramedics onto the plane to take care of the man and get him off the plane. How very unfortunate for that poor fellow - I do hope he is alright.
I again had a very short layover and basically only had time to walk to my gate and get a soda from a nearby vendor. This plane was MUCH smaller. Again we had turbulence, which was even rougher due to the small aircraft. The person sitting next to me was terrified. She spent the flight crying. I talked to her a bit and distracted her, I even got her to smile a few times. After we landed she hugged me and thanked me for helping her through the flight. She is a professor from a local college and gave me her card. You never know where and when you'll meet people!
Scott and Michael met me at the airport. WOW! The boy has grown at least 4 inches this summer. Also his voice is changing and I hardly recognized it! We got my baggage and headed home. I came in and loved on kitties a bit, then handed out presents. Scott and Michael seemed to like what I brought them.They think it is pretty awesome to get gifts on my birthday. hehe. The kitties and dog seemed very happy to see me.
We went to LongHorn Steak House for my birthday dinner. We shared some Wild West Shrimp.
I got a 7 ounce Filet Mignon cooked medium, a loaded baked potato and a Steakhouse BLT salad. I love this salad - I wish they had them all the time.
Steakhouse BLT Salad 
Fresh romaine tossed with parmesan ranch, topped with crisp
bacon, shaved parmesan, red onion and balsamic glaze. Served over
sliced tomatoes.After dinner we went home and they told me some of what has been going on here. The doorbell rang and it was Rob and Alex dropping by with a birthday present. They gave me a nice handmade card and a super nice Cutco Spatula Spreader knife with a pretty pearl white handle. Rob says it is great to get mayo or stuff out of the bottom of the jar, spread, cut your ham or whatever you are putting on the sandwich then cut the sandwich as well. It looks really nice. I appreciate it a bunch!
We were all really tired and school started the next day. We chatted with Rob and Alex a bit about any suggestions they may have to help Michael (Alex just graduated from Lafayette where he will be going). We said our goodnights and they went home. We all immediately went to bed, we were super tired.
All in all a good trip and a good evening at home.
Goodnight and sweet dreams!
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