Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friday, work and lunchtime wandering

May 25, 2012

I came into work to a delightful gift on my desk. Susan (my office mate) had picked some lovely flowers from outside and placed them on my desk as a welcoming present.

Work itself was slow today. I put together a rough draft for the IRB application in about an hour, which my only thing to do for the day. IRB stands for Institution Review Board. This IRB is for the University of Hawaii since we want to give students a survey. The IRB is basically an ethics council that makes sure what you are doing is ethical and not harmful. I'm going to make another post about the project and all that. After my hour of work I did a computer safety module and quiz that I am not required to do. It was about password safety and all that . I finished that before lunch. Susan and I decided to go to Kapiolani Community College cafeteria so we walked there. Here are a bunch of pictures from that trip.

This was my lunch. It was a roast beef hash patty, mash and mac with gravy. The patty was shreds of roast beef (very tender and tasty) mixed with chunks or potato, hand patted into a patty and pan fried till the outside was crispy. Interesting option for leftovers. The mash was mashed potatoes, not from instant. Both of these smothered in a brown gravy. Then of course the macaroni salad that seems to come with everything here. This was the mini plate lunch. I was stuffed and cannot imagine eating the full plate which is twice as big. This rankes in the top two unhealthiest things I have eaten while here. The second picture is Susan's lunch, which was a Hawaiian hot dog (a HHUGE beef frank topped with grilled veggies and jalapenos) and a cup of minestrone soup.

Outside the cafeteria is a peace pole. This is a worldwide effort to place these peace poles. On one side it says "May peace prevail on Earth" then repeats that in a different language on the other 3 sides.

Here are some plants and trees I thought looked neat.Also some type of nut that fell from a tree. It is soft and you step on it and it squishes, so not hard like the acorns and nuts that fall at home. I don't know what it is.

This was my favorite. It is a little plant whose leaves look just like butterfly wings.

We cut through Leahi hospital grounds to get back. They run a thrift shop open 2 days a week. I want to try to go next Wednesday. Here is an article with info about the thrift shop. The proceeds go to assist the hospital with a wish list for the adult day care, long term care, and hospice programs. Some items on the wish list that have been purchased from thrift shop proceeds are a handicap accessible van for the patients. Also, they can take some patients on trips to Waikiki for picnics or other outings.

After this it was back to work. I took these 2 pictures climbing the stairwell to my office. This stairwell is open to the outside with bars to prevent falling, and the top is a huge open to the outside window. This is right across the hallway from my office so this is my view.

I spent the afternoon reading the roughly 300 page 5-year plan for violence prevention for Hawaii. Then it was home and a package was waiting for me! I'm not sharing it till tomorrow's post :)

My first work week is finished. It was very slow, but that is expected since we are waiting on the CDC to get us what we need to get going. Now for the weekend :)


1 comment:

  1. That tree almost looks like a Banyan tree. Which.. if you could find one and take a picture that would be awesome!
