Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Workday walkabout

May 23, 2012

I woke up and wandered in to work this morning about 7:15. My attack mango lobbed 3 mangoes at me so I took them in to work and put them in the "Please take this home" section where the community garden produce is shared.

Ann had already set up her new office and it looks great. My area was not set up so I started the process of getting my computer up and running. I had to go find adapters. I had a male end on my monitor cable and a male spot for it for the computer. I also wanted to ideally have 2 monitors. So I hunted down the IT guys and got the piece I needed. Then I went to sign in and of course had no sign in ID. This is particularly frustrating because Ann asked the IT guys to set this up over a month ago. I have seen the requests. SO, regardless, we started that AGAIN today.

In the meanwhile I tried something new. They have a canned iced coffee here that I have been told is not bad. not being much of a coffee drinker I was unsure what "not bad" means, but I decided to be brave. I am glad I did, it was pretty good really. So I drank my iced coffee from a can (YEEEAAAAHHHHH CAFFAINE) and since I could do no work while waiting on the IT guys I reupholstered 2 chairs in Ann's office.

I had a chat with the Adolescent health lady on an upcoming conference and we hashed over possible ideas relating to adolescents and domestic violence/sexual assault issues for about 45 minutes. Nearing lunchtime I went back to Ann and we went down and put a boot to the backside of the IT guys to get them working a bit faster on this. Then we went to lunch.

Ann took me on a walk down to Kaimuki Street and Koko Head. This is where a bunch of restaurants and shops are located. It really is only about a 15 minute walk from work. Not bad at all. Here are some pictures of the walk there. I didn't know what these plants were but they are not ones we have at home so I took pictures. The first is a flowering bush of some sort, the second is a ground cover succulent of some type. In the last picture that is Ann's back. I'll get more pictures of her next week. This week is just too crazy with all the moving and rearranging.

We stopped for lunch at a Vietnamese place that I think was Saigon's restaurant. I had a vegetarian sandwich which they call a Ba'Le sandwich. I had BBQ grilled tofu lemongrass. It was very tasty. I apologize for not getting a picture. We got lunch to go and walked back to the office. Here are some more pics from along the way. This is a tangerine or orange tree. We stopped and talked to the owner for a few minutes. The second is a white ginger bush. The flowers smell amazing!

We got back to the office and ate lunch then I went to work on the IT guys some more. I stopped in another office and had a great chat with the new director while several of us sat in her office eating lychees. These are super sweet and juicy with a last bite of tartness. It is a reddish brown outer peel that you peel off. It is very thin and tough, not like an orange peel. You peel this off and inside is this pale juicy fruit with a large hard seed/pit. You pop it in your mouth and it explodes the sweet juice. You try to eat the fleshy part while not hitting the pit. The flesh has a little sour tang to it. Then you spit out the pit (have a paper towel or something handy). They are VERY tasty but it is hard to get over the mental image if an eyeball, at least for me.

Ann will be out till Tuesday with meetings off island and offsite. monday is a holiday so no work for any of us. So I touched base with her before she left. We sent off an e-mail to the CDC to try ti get the survey questions that we need so hopefully they can be getting that to us soon. I am trying to think ahead and get things moving. We went to water the garden and Ann left. IT finally came to get my sign on for the computer set up, but couldn't so we postponed that till the morning. I had already put in over 8 hours ( I stayed late waiting for the IT guy to come back) so I came on home. I took this picture on the way. I have NO idea what this is, some sort of bloom but it looks like a land starfish or something. It looked neat so i wanted to share it.

So I am home, and I've been scanning Amazon trying to find some books to download. I'll probably find a movie on Netflix to watch and head to sleep soon. I'm not hungry, the sandwich was plenty for me today.  Might try to convince myself to have a lettuce wrap or something. Monday is a holiday so this is a long weekend. Any ideas for my weekend's entertainment?

Aloha, Kipa hou mai, (Goodbye, come visit again)

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