Sunday, May 6, 2012

getting ready to go!

May 6, 2012

This is my last week at home before heading to Hawaii so I wanted to get started on the blog and post what is going on this last week at home and trip planning. Let me start this blog by saying thanks to my Professors who wrote my letters of recommendation, my mom and Debbie for the monetary gift that allowed me to do this without having to stress so much about money, Jeff for always supporting me, Scott and Michael for holding down the fort at home with the critters while I am gone for three months this summer, and Donna for helping take care of my cats while I am gone.Joan and Liz helped me with ideas, suggestions,shopping and clothes, girl talents I don't possess!

The Spring term is finished, all finals and projects/papers done. Waiting for grades. I have one paper left to write to send in before I leave for Hawaii, but that isn't for spring term. So school is good. Paperwork turned into the GSIP people. Deposit sent for my room in Hawaii.

I decided to go with a one way flight to Hawaii rather than round trip. About a month before my last day at the internship (Aug. 10th) I will look at what all I wanted to visit/sight-see there and how much I have gotten to do already. I wanted to talk to the people that live there and see what they recommend is good to see. If there is still more I really want to do that I haven't managed my first week there or weekends, then I'll evaluate funds and see if I can afford to stay another week. There is a cruise that leaves Oahu Aug. 11th for 7 days and tours all the islands. Then returns to Oahu and i could fly home from there. If there are just a couple of things I want to do i can catch an inter-island flight and just go do those things and stay in a hotel for a few days, then fly home. Regardless, that gives me some flexibility to add on up to 11 days maximum to my return date to come home. So... I got my flight ticket there. I will post my flight itinerary shortly. Best part of all, I got my plane ticket for $556.00. WOOOHOOOO!!!

Spent yesterday shopping. I had No clothing that fit and certainly nothing that I could wear in a workplace office. Joan and Liz were VERY generous and gave me lots of clothes, including some that will be great for interviews.We then went shopping to fill in the rest of what I needed. I got some shorts and capris, a couple of sundress type dresses and 2 pairs of sandals nice enough to wear to work. According to my boss, shorts and skirts, sandals and a nice blouse is workplace business casual in Hawaii.

Liz loaned me a VERY nice big suitcase duffel combo to use as well. I have a small suitcase but wasn't sure everything would fit. This will make packing much easier. I also picked up the rest of the odds and ends I needed to take. Shampoo, soap, sunblock and laundry detergent. it sounds crazy to take that, but since I am so allergic to scented products I wasn't sure if I could find those there easily to use for a reasonable price. My clothes and all weight very little so I had the extra space and weight in my baggage so I figured why not be safe.

I rarely spend money on clothes and I spent $600 total yesterday. I about had a heart attack. However, I had budgeted in $500 for clothes and $100 for items I needed to take with me. Everyone that I have spoken to there says anything shipped from the mainland is CRAZY expensive. I had NO clothing that fit me. Joan, Liz, Scott and Jeff are all telling me to stop being silly because I really needed the clothes and everything I can wear when I get home. I guess that is true. Still...

So I cut tags and get everything ready to wash and started packing basics today. Sorted through my closet and took out everything I can't fit in and put it in storage (if I still can't fit in them in 6-12 months they will be donated somewhere, but if I can then I don't want to have to rebuy everything). I was left with one shirt and 2 pairs of stretchy yoga pants that have holes in them.Craziness. Hung up the nice interview clothes and got those all unpacked. So basically I will do laundry and pack that and be good to go. So I guess I did really need the clothes. Still makes me feel like I splurged though.

Almost midnight now so I'm off to bed, lots more to do tomorrow!


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