Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Short work day and pictures

May 22, 2012

Today was a super short day at work. I went in and helped Ann harvest greens from the Community garden. After that we went inside and washed and laid those out for people to take. The movers arrived about then and started making a plan on who to move first. After about an hour of playing musical chairs to try to stay out of their way Ann told me to go on home and enjoy my day. Since we had no computers, phones or access to any of our materials we couldn't get anything done. I made sure she was serious and then headed on home for a relaxing day.

I read, took a nap, and caught up with some friends from home. I walked over to Kapiolani Community College across the street to go to their cafeteria to try to get a sandwich or burger. I was craving meat. NEED PROTEIN. The cafeteria closed at 2 (it was almost 40 so I hustled over tot he next building where there was supposed to be a Subway sandwich shop. I finally found it just before they closed at 4. I got a club, double meat, lettuce, cucumbers salt & pepper, mayo and spicy mustard. I came home and had half, the other half and chips will be lunch or dinner tomorrow. Still not very hungry so when I do get hungry I try to eat.

Why Subway? Simple: they have MEAT. I mainly eat fruit and veggies because that is what I get at the farmer's market. I have the fresh cheeses and butters I get there also with some fresh bread. However, my body wanted protein. I am still healing my blisters on my feet and didn't want to walk far. I am trying to heal those up so I can go walking and exploring tomorrow or later this week. Lots of places I still want to go see and find. So yes, I had Subway. This is the first thing I have had since leaving on my trip that is available back home. So (Scott and Michael) quit giving me grief about having something I could have back home. I'll be back to my hawaiian food tomorrow.

So to share today I took some pictures of some things on my walk to work. The first is the tiny bit of uphill I have to walk up, then the rest is downhill to get to work. makes for an easy trip in :)
Next is the mango tree that decided to lob fruit at me yesterday.
Here are some of the flowering trees and plants:
And a coconut tree. As I have mentioned to come of you before, the coconut trees in public places have to have the coconuts removed. It is a law. Apparently a child was killed at a school here a few years ago when a coconut fell and hit them on the head. So a law was passed that coconuts must be removed from trees in public areas. That is why you see the little holes up the trunks of the trees, from the spikes worn by the people that trim the trees and remove the coconuts. The trees on private land it is up to the owner, but they are responsible if one falls and injures or kills someone. This is a tree with the coconuts still present.

I haven't posted pictures from around the house itself. Here is the papaya tree that grows in the back. Papaya trees are tall with thin trunks that have a pretty pattern to the bark. The fruit are way at the top, dark green right now in this picture.

Here is the apple banana tree that grows out there also. It is short and not much taller than me, with palm frond type leaves. Here is a good image of the bananas it grows. They don't grow to be ong but are super sweet and last a long long time before getting old and icky.

Here is a pretty flower growing in the back also. i have no idea what it is. They are at a lot of the homes around here. The owner (Jill) and the manager (Nikki) are slowly working on the landscaping here.

And finally, my friends the lizards or geckos (whichever they are). Apparently both are all over the place around here. There are no snakes in Hawaii. There are no native snakes at all. Any time there is a report that a snake has been seen which has apparently been brought over either in the landing gear of planes, or brought as a pet and released it is hunted down and killed. They take this VERY seriously. They want NO SNAKES here. Anyway, we have this volcanic rock everywhere, and people make it into walls. The crevices in these walls make perfect little hidey-holes for the lizards and geckos. I love watching them. This may not seem like excitement for people that see them all the time, but it is great fun for me. So here are my buddies the leezards, as my friend Rob and I call them.  ;)

Tomorrow I should get my computer set up at work and hopefully the moving is all finished so I can get started on some work. As for now, I think it is time for some relaxed reading and a shower before bed.

I hope everyone is well! I know it is a pain in the butt to comment on the blog but don't forget you can e-mail or leave a facebook message and I will get those also. Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see and I'll try to get pictures.

A hui hou kakou,  (Until we meet again)

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