Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kualoa Ranch (Part 1)

May 17, 2012

What a wonderful and exhausting day. I took over 40 pictures today, so I'm only going to post some on here. Otherwise I think people will get sick of looking at them all! To start the day off I went and caught the bus at a different stop that usual. While I was waiting (and waiting and waiting) I took a couple of pictures of my view from the bus stop.

So I caught the bus into Waikiki and hunted down another hotel where a motorcoach picked me up and took me tot he east side of the island to Kualoa Ranch. There is so much to do there, my blog can't possibly do it justice. I did the All Day Adventure Tour which included one Adventure tour (Horseback rising for me!) and three Experience tours plus lunch and round trip transportation. So I slept well on the trip there (hehehe) and woke right before we got tot he ranch. I got all signed up and headed to my first tour. I chose the "Ancient Fishing Grounds and Tropical Gardens" tour as my wake up and get going tour (The staff said the afternoon horseback riding is better because the sun isn't in your eyes the whole time) so off I went to tour #1.  It as pretty fun and relaxing. Here are a few pictures: (after trying to upload pictures for 30 minutes I am giving up on it for tonight, I'll add more pictures this weekend.)

On this tour we picked ripe macadamia nuts, broke them open with rocks and ate them right out of the shell! In addition, I was given a stalk of Hawaiian reg Ginger. When you squeeze the petals it releases a wonderful fragrance. I learned there are over 2000 types of ginger. We got to take a short ride on an ancient fishpond which was really brilliant how they constructed it to last. I also got to see a coffee cherry, when you squeeze it a goop covered bean pops out, that is what is roasted to make coffee. Pretty neat. I have pictures of all these things.

The second tour was the "Movie Sites and Ranch" tour. We loaded into buses and headed off to see the ranch and sites where a bunch of movies have been filmed. I took lots and lots of pictures on this section of the tour. It is pretty amazing. 50 First Dates, Windtalkers, Jurassic Park, Lost, Pearl Harbor, Godzilla and a lot more were filmed on this ranch.

Please be patient for pictures, my connection is just slow tonight...

To be continued...

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