Thursday, July 5, 2012

Books and thoughts on a quiet holiday day

July 4, 2012

Welina moa aloha makamaka a me ohana. (Greetings of affection my friends and family)

Happy 4th of July, or as Scott says, Happy Revolution Day. No work for me today and I did a lot of nothing. I basically sprawled on my bed and read, napped, read, napped, and occasionally ate. Lunch was a mini french baguette, the last of my Herb N' Farmer cheese (farmer's cheese with herbs de provence), and some dried tart cherries. Dinner was the leftover salmon patties and fried rice from Monday lunch. Nothing terribly exciting. The house was very quiet today, most everyone was out enjoying the day off work. The ladies all came and went at different times but overall it was quiet and peaceful. This was nice since people were up talking, laughing and playing music till nearly midnight. Some people had to work today so that was fairly rude. Regardless, I enjoyed the quiet day here in the house without having to be anywhere or do anything. I needed to rest the ankle and catch up on a little sleep.

I read the last of a book I got as a daily deal from Amazon. It is PA Lupton's novel Bound by Blood and I was less than impressed. It started out good but then a few chapters in it is like the bottom dropped out of the story. It is hard to explain but it felt super rushed and I had a hard time immersing myself in the story. The number of typographical errors kept getting worse as the story continued. It finally got so distracting with typos and just poor proofreading and editing (assuming there was any this editor and proofreader need to be fired) that it was hard to even continue. The story concept was not bad but the book itself was a slight distraction but not great.

I downloaded a short story by Jennifer Estep called First Frost. It was a prequel to her Mythos Academy series and was a neat story. I think i will actually download the first book in the series and give it a try. Jennifer Estep wrote the Elemental Assassin books I have read and enjoyed. I haven't finished with that series but I am enjoying some other books before returning to finish.

I have been reading a lot of young adult paranormal stuff lately. Why? Well, why not? It is usually pretty good and tends to focus more on storyline and characters rather than pure sex to sell the story. Not that I mind reading about sex but I prefer it add tot he story rather than just being there to sell the book. Like life sex is a component, not something you see people doing every minute of the day. So sue me, I like some actual story with plot and character development.

However, the young adult books are sometimes stilted in their struggle NOT to portray sex also. I saw some reviews stating that Jennifer Estep shouldn't consider her work young adult because she writes of teenagers having sex which is an adult theme not suitable for teenagers. Ummm hello? I don't know what reality that person grew up in. OF COURSE teenagers have sex. Statistically more teens have sex than those who do not. I'm not saying write a book telling teens to go out and jump in the sack with everyone they meet but ignoring it as a part of some teenagers life is ridiculous.

So for now I'm exploring some of the young adult writers. I enjoyed the Harry Potter books and even the Twilight books. I enjoy mulling over the concepts and ideas in my head rather than dwelling on the specifics of the books that may be trite or imperfect. I find this allows me to enjoy books, movies, etc. that otherwise I would pass over.

I was able to see fireworks this evening. The kitchen windows give a lovely view of the ocean and I watched the fireworks. It was enjoyable and much more comfortable. Watching the fireworks set off by/over the ocean was lovely. Not going out and walking around was also nice. I enjoyed a relaxing and low pain day, which I needed. I can only handle being in pain for so many days in a row before I start getting grumpy.

Other than my ankle (which I am taking care of ans is healing) things are going well here. I am not going out to walk or do as much simply to allow the injury to heal but I am still looking around and trying to see new things in Hawaii. Work is continuing to teach me new things, including the constant fear of unemployment that comes with working for state government. I have to admit, it is alarming. I am learning many new technical skills and strengthening the skills I have. I am very glad and thankful I could come here. Besides work I am trying to learn and enjoy a lot about Hawaii itself. I try to pick up new words daily. I also am eating so many new things. Some I like and some not so much. generally speaking though I have enjoyed almost all the food, places I've been and things I have seen. What an adventure!

I apologize for no pictures today. As I said above, I spent the day resting my ankle and letting it heal. I want to go snorkeling but I don't know how I could manage flippers with the ankle. Similarly with hiking. Hula is out. I'm pondering some options that do not include much walking for a few weeks. Maybe if I am careful I can get the ankle healed enough to do these things right before I leave. Time will tell. I actually feel guilty when I don't go out and do something, like I am wasting the opportunity. I can't run continually though and occasionally need some quiet time to relax. Truthfully, I really enjoyed a day of quiet rest and reading. Sometimes a vacation day can be best spent just not doing a bunch of running around. There are many things to still do and see while I am here but today wasn't the day for those things.

For now it is time to go to sleep. I'm not sure how that will work since I napped on and off all day. I'll at the very least curl up with a book and rest. I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday. Please feel free to e-mail or send me a message on Facebook. I enjoy hearing from people.

Me ka aloha pumehana, (kindest regards, warm aloha)

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