Saturday, July 14, 2012

Farmers market, package, shark socks and house

July 14, 2012

This is a happy day for me personally. I got to go tot he Farmer's market again. Why is this exciting? Because I have to walk down and back up a super steep hill. After the ankle injury and subsequent x-ray to determine it was both sprained and broken I wasn't able to hike up and down the hill to the market for a few weeks. Not only do i like going but it was a wonderful feeling to be able to start walking again. I walk to work and usually back each day, but it is not near as steep and I've been in a significant amount of pain doing it. I walked to the farmer's market and back this morning with no pain during or after. I think i have passes a critical point of ankle recovery. Now I can start hiking around a bit more. Not 100% yet, but I can do a few things if I am careful. Still can't walk at all without the brace without serious pain, but with the brace on I can do a lot more now without pain. Happy Happy Lissa.

So I went to the market and there were TONS of new and interesting things. Susan I took these plant pictures for you specifically! Orchids!

I don't know WHAT this is but it looked neat. I try to get pictures of the signs but this just said $5.00 and had no name on it so there was no point in getting that sign picture.
 I love love love succulents!

Dragonfruit! It is beautiful! I hadn't seen them at the market before.
 Mountain apples (ohia ai). These aren't actually apples, that is what they are named. This was my new thing to try today. They are pear-shaped and when you bite into them they are crisp like an apple. they are a light flavor and slightly sweet. They have more of a fibrous texture. It also isn't a big core of seeds, I was basically able to eat the entire thing! It was good and I like them a lot.
 These are just neat looking. The young ginger is like a cream color with pink tips that look like claws.
 Sugar cane. Not something we see at the farmers market back home. Just neat to see :)
 Bamboo shoots. I have only seen bamboo shoots from cans, in thin rectangular strips. I had no idea what it looked like before processing. I still can't wrap my head around how these turn into what I see from the cans. Better yet, how anyone thought, "HMMM let's take this and slice it into thin strips and dump in in our cooking!" I bet a lot of people died through the years figuring out what to NOT add to foods.
 Every time I go to the farmers market I stop at the La Tour Bakehouse stall. This is one of the Executive Chef bakers. He is in the kitchen baking the rest of the week but comes himself tot he Saturday Kapiolani Community College farmer's market and slices bread. He says he loves getting to come out, get outside, and interact with the people that get to eat his baked goods. He knows me now and said he'd wondered what happened to me since I'd been missing a few weeks (he knows I'm here till mid-August). I was happy to be back and able to get his delicious bread. My normal Saturday brunch is some of the fresh bread from this stall and some fresh cheese from the dairy stall. I call it breadunch. I sit and nibble on bread and cheese then usually fall asleep and nap with the fan blowing on me and keeping me cool. So anyway, this is him slicing my parmesan baguette. I also got a purple wheat with cranberry and cinnamon loaf.

This is my market haul for today. Top right clockwise: cilantro, a zucchini, basil, fresh cow's milk feta with garlic and herbs (much milder than most feta), green beans, sweet onions, roma tomatoes, mountain apples, parmesan french baguette and purple wheat cranberry and cinnamon bread.
I am planning to saute the green beans with a bit of butter and garlic. The tomatoes will be made into tappenade with garlic and red onion and eaten with the half of the baguette. For my Saturday breadunch I had half the Parmesan baguette and about a third of the feta. The mountain apples are snacks. The zucchini, onion and a potato will be sliced into strips, tossed with french onion soup dry mix and baked to make crispy snacks. I also have 2 more potatoes from before that will also be diced, tossed with the dry soup mix and baked as a sort of seasoned home fry. The bread is for snacks and breakfasts. Here is a closer view of the mountain apples. I had one as a snack with my breadunch.

I also got a box from Jeff! It has mini boxes of cereal, Mccann's Irish Oatmeal (steel cut oats, the good stuff I love!!), Belgian chocolate cinnamon thin wafer cookies, lots of chex mix, homemade beef jerky (with extra salt just how I like it!) and more of the Sunmaid Tart dried cherries. I was out of the buffalo jerky and dried cherries he sent before. I love love jerky, and as I said he makes it with extra salt which I love. He makes the beef jerky with 90% lean ground beef so it isn't a lot of fat. Love it. I snack a lot on the jerky and the cherries. Salty protein ans sweet tart fruit. The chex mix he says is 4 different kinds with dried papaya added. Should be good! So I have a whole box of yummilicious snacks! Thank you Jeff!

A couple of interesting things:
Jeff closed on his new house yesterday! Congratulations Jeff! Click on this link to see more images of the inside and outside: Jeff's new house!

Also, he posted a link to these socks. If I thought they'd get here in time I'd so order these then wear them to the beach! Shark socks from Artisan Socks!

That is all so far. The rest of the day is for relaxing I think.


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