Tuesday, July 17, 2012

cactus garden and job pondering

July 17, 2012

Today was another day of reviewing case studies, coding and data entry. I have finished 32 of 44 cases. I hope to finish by tomorrow. That would leave Thursday to run frequencies and redo charts/graphs/tables with the corrected data. That way Ann can have everything before I am off Friday for my trip to the Big Island.

For lunch I walked with Ann to Kapiolani Community College. We went to the herb garden first. The herb garden is right by a small part of the cactus garden so I took some photos since for once the light was good. I have no idea what ANY of these cacti are so I can't tell you anything about them except that they look interesting.

Next we went to the herb garden. They have a lot of herbs I am very familiar with like rosemary, italian and curly parsley, chives, savory, marjoram, dill, and many types of basil: sweet basil, thai basil, lemon basil and even greek basil. There is also a calamansi lime bush. There are also a lot of plants I have no idea what they are and some aren't labeled.

Ann is trying to get some cactus keiki (babies/children - for plants the new baby plants that sprout off the adult plants) from the arborists at KCC. She has done so much with the empty space behind the Wilcox Building where she planted the Community Garden at work. Here is a cactus growing in the herb garden at KCC that looked neat and I have NO IDEA what it is.

 I didn't know what this was but it looked really interesting so I took a picture. This is some sort of round spiked ball, maybe a fruit of some sort?

We stopped by the cafeteria but they were having cabbage rolls and neither of us wanted that. We went to subway instead. I got a steak and cheese footlong sub on roasted garlic bread with pepperjack cheese, baby spinach, banana peppers, red onions, dijon mustard, and oregano. We took them back to work and ate on the back lanai looking over the garden.

Lisa was in a meeting all morning but picked up chinese and met us back on the lanai for lunch. This is I believe wun tun noodle. It is wuntun (also spelled wonton) and saimin (ramen type noodles) in a gravy instead of a soup. It has mushrooms, broccoli and a few other veggies. I had a bit of noodles and it was good but i like it better as soup. I like soups and broths :)

The afternoon was continued work on the data for DVFR as described above. I worked till a bit after 5. I am trying to cover my 8 hours I am missing on Friday. I am doing 10 hours a day Monday-Thursday for my 40 hours. Suffice to say I am tired. I was also a bit achy today and had a bit of a headache.

It was sprinkling when we left work so Lisa offered a ride. The rain explains the aches and headache. I was craving a soda (I rarely drink them here) so she ran me to Jack int he Box, just right down the street a few blocks from work. I got my HUGE coke with no ice, and some tacos. I got 3 eggrolls and gave Lisa one, and a 5 piece nugget that she suggested I try. So we sat in the parking lot and munched on eggrolls, nuggets and I had my Coke. Lisa had unsweet tea so had less sugar. I figured I was craving it and once in a while won't hurt.

It was raining a bit more when i got home, so I hurried inside and went to find Yu. Yu had her clothes out drying on the drying racks int he driveway. After she went out to get her clothes and move then from the rain (for probably the whole 5 minutes it will rain before stopping) I went on upstairs. I talked to Nozomi for a bit, she is super nice. I am very lucky to have met so many pleasant people here this summer.

Now I am going to relax and drink my soda and think. I have some serious pondering to do over this potential research analyst position that is available here. It is a one year federal grant funded position dealing with home visits. I need to know if I can finish my last requirements for my degree at UK from here. People at work are very stressed and there is a lot of tension. There is constant worry if positions will be but, if grant money is running out, and a host of other issues. I just don't know if it is the right choice to even try to stay here for this job while finishing my degree. In this economy a job is a hard thing to turn down but I really need to put finishing my degree first and foremost. It would be a shame to mess that up when I am so close. On the other hand it would be nice to make some decent money, have a solid year's work experience in public health for my PhD applications AND be in Hawaii for a year. Ann sent her CV in for this job but I don't know why she would be interested, I was told the pay range is significantly below what she makes (due to her PhD) and they only want to pay for a Master's level degree person or equivalent experience. The pay is roughly $57-63K a year, but I don't know if that is flat pay with fringe and benefits or before those are taken out. If the pay is significantly lower due to removing money for fringe and benefits then that changes things considerably.

I just need to do some serious quiet time thinking, develop some more questions to ask and also find out about my school options. If UK won't let me finish my last classes as directed studies, independent study, online or any other option then there is no real question - I will definitely not pursue this job. I have many things to consider...

Aloha ahiahi ia oukou, (Good evening to all of you)

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