Monday, July 2, 2012

The Hawaiian time warp and the stupidity of shaving

July 1, 2012

E komo mai, e noho mai, e `ai a e, wala`au! (Come in, come sit, eat and talk)

There is a problem here in Hawaii. Apparently when you come here you step into a time warp where time goes faster than at home. I am convinced this is true. I have finished week 6 of my internship, halfway through. That means I have been here 7 weeks. This is not possible. Apparently someone is here on the island doing experimentation with the time flow. Hmph.

Today I was domestic. I did laundry, tidied my room and cooked. I had spinach parmesan ravioli with sundried tomato and basil sauce for lunch. I love Whole Foods :) These are both from there. Very yummy.

My ankle was ridiculously painful so I wrapped it and swept my floor in my room. I tidied the top of my dresser and made up my container of pills for the week. Blah blah... normal stuff. I needed to cook some of my veggies I had gotten a couple of weeks ago at the farmer's market. I made miso broth from an instant packet, then I tore off the cilantro leaves left on my bunches. I put my white rice, one lemon worth of fresh juice and this miso and cilantro broth into the rice cooker with a little extra water to give the correct amount. While that was cooking I cut up the broccoli rabe (also called rapine) and kai-lan (also called chinese broccoli). I put these in a deep skillet and added the last of my maui onion and ginger dressing with a little water. I let this cook down then split it into three containers and set in the freezer to cool. Let me clarify, these are basically just greens with stalks. The flowers on them make them look a little like broccoli. My rice finished and I divided my rice mixture evenly into the three bowls. Stir and mix everything up well and seal them up. I hauled everything upstairs and put 2 in the fridge and 1 in the freezer. That way I can see hoe it freezes. This will be a good lunch for a couple of days. This is the precooked miso soup mix on the right, the Maui onion and ginger dressing in the bottle, then the cilantro, broccoli rabe and kai-lan.

I still have some of my frozen tamales left, cheese and bread. Of course I still have a big thing of rice. Otherwise my food stores are now depleted. I need to try to get tot he grocery tomorrow, or the small farmer's market on Tuesday to add a few items.

My ankle is very painful. I tried to stay off it this weekend. The necessary rips to do my one load of laundry and to cook my food downstairs were really the only walking on it I have done. I am going to give it another day or so to see if it improves any. If not I may need to go get an x-ray. The pain has changed. It is no longer the throbbing achy feeling of a muscle or tendon but the sharp, stabbing pain that is more like bone. I seriously hope I didn't have a crack that I pushed into an actual break by doing the hula class. I don't have any bruising around the area, so I'm hoping all is well. So, let's all knock on wood and hope it is just tender from hula and that it will improve. However, I don't think I can do hula again for a few weeks, if at all while I am here. I do have the CD though so the trip to class was worthwhile. The bruises on my leg are healing nicely, no worries at all there. The main thing is not to overreact or worry about this. I pushed it very hard on Thursday night during hula. It is very possible it is just inflamed and will be much better in a few days. It is also entirely possible I'm just very good at ignoring painful things and will just continue to do so. If it gets worse I'll go tot he doctor, if it improves I won't. Seems reasonable :)

I cooked this evening but wasn't very hungry so I didn't eat. I got a little hungry later so finished off the last of the buffalo beef jerky Jeff sent me. I have now probably eaten enough salt to pickle myself for the next century. However, that's how I like it so I'm happy. I had a few dried tart cherries to finish off my dinner.

Now it is time for bed. I need to get up early to shower. I can;t stand and shift my weight around due to my ankle so I have to sit on the edge of the tub to shave my legs. Plus I am blind as a bat without my glasses. Trying to shave without them on is the equivalent of handing a machete to a blind teenager, spinning them around, and shoving them into a jungle. Suffice to say, I have no desire to hack my legs to shreds, or to bleed for the dozen nicks and cuts I'd end up with. So sitting in the edge of the tub it is. I LOATHE shaving as well. Whatever idiot thought this up as something to make women more attractive was a sadist and deserves to be smeared with honey and tied to an anthill. Regardless, I'll get up crazy early, shower, shave and hike my gimpy self into work.

On the bright side, I'm in Hawaii. The weather is beautiful. The trees and flowers are lovely. I am an injury magnet and would likely have injured myself no matter where I was. So all in all, I'm still delighted that I'm in Hawaii. At least I have GORGEOUS scenery to look at and enjoy. All in all, everything else is a manini (small) issue.

A hui kaua, (Until we meet again)

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