Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay (Part 2)

July 9, 2012

Hanauma Bay was beautiful. I took 6 short video clips so you could see and enjoy the beauty of the place. None of them are underwater. My connection is slow so short clips have a better chance of not crashing when I upload them. These were taken at different times of the day and from different viewing points. However, they are all similar. Feel free to watch some or all. You can see how the water changes colors based on the time of day the sun is hitting it. As I left it was a beautiful turquoise.

Here are some of the things I saw with my own eyes when snorkeling. I didn't have an underwater camera but I figured I would find links to pictures to share. You can see a lot of these on the fish ID card.
This is a threadfin butterflyfish (kikakapu).

This is a convict tang (manini).

This is a yellowfin surgeonfish (pualu).

This is a reef triggerfish (humuhumu-nukunuku-apua´a).

This is a blueline/bluestripe snapper (ta'ape).

This is a Christmas wrasse (male) (´āwela).

This is a stareye parrotfish (male) (pōnuhunuhu).

This is a cornetfish (nūnū peke). Let me just point out that this thing swam between my legs and brushed up against me while I was adjusting my snorkel, I looked down and say this almost 3 feet white snaky thing swimming around me and about had a heart attack. I just calmly lifted my feet and floated on my belly and watched it swim off. Then I went to find out what this thing was! (I have been told some people get an error for this picture. iIincluded a YouTube link so you can see them just in case it doesn't work for you.)

This is lobe coral (pohaku puna).

This is cauliflower coral (sorry, don't know the Hawaiian name).

There were many many other things i saw but can't properly identify. Truly the ocean is another world.

I hope you enjoyed the adventure underwater with me!


1 comment:

  1. How was the internship? I am currently a Zoology major. Do you think I can still do this?
