Friday, July 20, 2012

Walk to work with lots of photos (Thursday Part 1)

July 19, 2012

Happy Friday!!! Well, it's the Friday of the work week for me. It is Thursday but I am off work tomorrow and flying to the Big Island, which is actually called Hawai'i.

I took a lot of photos on my way in to work this morning. It was a pleasant morning and was about to sprinkle so I just enjoyed my walk and took lots of pictures to share the walk with you.
This huge moth was sitting by my shoes outside the door. It measures about 4 inches from wingtop to wingtip. It was alive but didn't seem to be doing too well. It was actually kindof pretty in a huge mutant bug sort of way. I scooted it aside with my shoe so it wouldn't get stepped on and killed accidentally as others came out the door. I always check my shoes inside and out before putting them on since all shoes remain outside the entry door. Good morning Mothra :)
 Standing in the driveway looking at Diamond Head across the street.
 At the sidewalk, looking left down the hill of doom. The ocean is lovely in the distance. You can see the sky is slightly pink as sunrise is still happening.
 Same place but looking right. This is the small but steep bit of hill I walk up to head to work.
 The lovely bougainvillea I walk through that drapes down over the sidewalk.
 Right past the bougainvillea you look to the left and there are the seniors meeting in the Kapiolani Community College parking lot. They (and their dogs) meet there and socialize and walk.
 Cross the street and pass more flowers. The cactus on the ground are the ones that have those flowers that look like mesh starfish. Then more bougainvillea but much smaller, 3 different colors.
 The bougainvillea you couldn't see above.
  The coconut trees that shared their bounty with me.
These are plumeria. The sidewalk is covered with plumeria flowers each morning. It is lovely. If there is a strong breeze they blow on the breeze from the trees and it looks like it is raining flowers.
At work and up the steps. This is looking towards Waikiki from the lanai where the doors are located.
 Same location, slightly turned to the right.
 Same location, turned to the left.

When I got to work I quickly finished the last 4 cases for recoding and data entry. I enjoyed my morning coffee milk and started redoing all the tables, charts and graphs with this corrected data. I worked on this all morning. At lunch my ankle was really hurting a lot so I ate in my office. I was trying to not go up and down stairs more than I had to. Lunch was the pasta salad leftovers with a little extra ranch dressing, a white nectarine (no picture of it), and a small square of Grafton cheese. This is the Grafton 2 year aged cheddar. It is freaking awesome. Sharp but soft and crumbly combined. I love this and will definitely make it a cheese I purchase again int he future.

 When I was passing the plumeria this morning I had picked up a blossom and brought it to work. This is it on my desk.
 As you can see, the back side of this blossom is a lovely red and yellow swirl, I actually like the back side better than the front side.
 The front side is mostly white and yellow, with just a delicate shade of pink showing through fromt he red on the other side. The yellow is much brighter than this photo shows.
 The plumeria above in my hair towards the end of the day. It is wilting. They don't last very long but have a lovely scent.

After lunch I continued to work on data all day. I finally finished updating all the charts, graphs and tables I had made previously with corrected data. I also added in a few more. I sent everything to Ann so she could look over it tomorrow. I finally left at 6. Long day, 11 hours minus a 30 minute lunch, all working hard on data. My brain is mush.

So Lisa and I decided to go to dinner! (Part 2)


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