Sunday, July 29, 2012

A little ankle poetry

July 29, 2012

So today I did nothing. Well, I did my laundry and labeled my food items in the refrigerator. The cleaner is coming tomorrow and anything not labeled gets thrown out. I nibbled on a bag of rainier cherries and ended up eating the whole thing. I made soup for dinner and had it with some of the rosemary baguette. Other than that I watched Netflix and stayed off my ankle. I planned to go snorkeling this weekend but since I can't walk without serious pain I decided I needed to stay off it. i still have 2 weeks of work to make it through.

So no photos and nothing interesting for today. I have sat and watched the palm trees blowing in the wind. I watched sunrise, rain, sun and sunset. Now the stars are coming out and it is a perfect time to sprawl in front of the fan and watch some Netflix till I fall asleep.

I wrote a little poem for the day...

Ankle ankle hurting bad
why you want to make me sad?
Island sun outside so bright,
can't you only hurt at night?
Two weeks left to see the view,
can't you heal up just like new?
Ankle ankle get well soon,
or I'll go crazy as a loon.

Well, it's not going to win awards but it passed the time :)

Anyway, time to get ready and settled for bed.

Malamo pono, (Take care)

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