Thursday, July 19, 2012

mailing a coconut, duck fat fries and greek dogs

July 18, 2012

Today was an adventure. I had a slight issue at work with IT. I needed to connect to a network big multi-use printer/scanner, etc down the hall to print out reports to put in the case files for the DVFR. To connect I needed IT to come help. After both Ann and I sent a request, then went down and asked for help we still didn't get assistance. In fact, the IT guys were sitting downstairs kicked back int heir chairs, one eating rice cakes and surfing the web and the other similarly sprawled and web surfing after telling me to go find a driver and install it. So basically, do it myself. Well after wasting an hour trying to figure it out I went back down and again asked for help. Again, I was told to go do it myself. I asked for Ngai (the great IT guy who actually HELPS) or Earl (the boss who I found out was on vacation) but neither were there. Now don't get me wrong, if they were doing work or weren't allowed to help us that would be fine but don't be sitting there doing nothing and tell me to go download drivers and try to figure out what I need when I am clueless. They said they'd send Ngai up when he got in after I told them I needed to go do MY WORK and not keep spending time trying to be an IT person. When Ngai came in he came upstairs and it took him literally 5 minutes to fix it and test it. And for the record, it had NOTHING to do with drivers (already installed) it was an IP address issue. As Ngai said, it wasn't anything I could have done without IT help. So I sent an e-mail to Earl (the boss) explaining the situation and how VERY HELPFUL Ngai was and asking why the other guys aren't able to help us?

So. Anyway. Once that was fixed I was able to do what I needed to do with the case files and get productive. Because of this crazy delay I wasn't able to finish the case files today. I have 4 left. So 40 of 44 done. I should be able to finish those in the morning and run frequencies and generate some tables by tomorrow afternoon.

For lunch Ann had brought her car so we could go tot he post office. She had a package to pick up and I wanted to mail my coconut. You should have seen the postal employees when I brought it in. Their eyes lit up and they got big smiles. So I used a sharpie and addressed the coconut then Ann and I wrote messages on the other sides of the coconut. They put a strip of priority mail tap on it and stapled on the postage and delivery confirmation (I wanted to know it got there alright). There were people in the post office who were having so much fun asking questions about mailing coconuts! Super fun :) So that was my neat Hawaii adventure for the day - how to mail a coconut! I didn't take pictures because the post office was busy and there were lines of people waiting. Also, I'll get pictures when it arrives! Here is the coconut before I took it there though.

After the post office we dropped off some books for the library then went for food. We were downtown so we went to Hank's Haute Dogs again to try the duck fat fries and another gourmet dog. We don't plan to go there again before I leave, we were just close by and I had wanted to try the fries. I took several pictures of the place.
Ann standing in line to order.

The special for the day - The Greek dog. Wednesday they have different specials depending on which week of the month it is - or just a random choice. This is what I got.
 The Greek Dog is a ground lamb and ground pork sausage, served with Tzatziki sauce, lettuce, tomato and onions.It was GREAT.
 Duck fat fries. These are very thinly sliced fries, double fried in duck fat. They taste really good. I also had hibiscus lemonade but forgot to get a photo of that (I've posted that before when we came the first time).

After lunch we hurried to the vitamin shop nearly so Ann could pick up some vitamins for her husband. My ankle was about done with the whole walking thing by now. We went back to work and I worked till 5 trying to get these last cases done. Still, only 4 left so not too bad. I came home and sprawled on my bed and got off my ankle. Romi got home and asked if I wanted to share the veggies she was making for dinner. I went downstairs and had "Toss it in a pan" which was diced potatoes and zucchini, sliced strips of onion, green pepper, long flat green beans, garlic and olive oil with a little something (rice vinegar maybe?). It was very good. I cleaned up since Romi cooked.

Afterwards she called and we made the reservations for the helicopter "Circle of Fire with waterfalls" tour. We are both looking forward to that! We are planning to pack and get everything together tomorrow evening. Friday morning we will set out on the bus to Waikiki and have breakfast at The Original Panacake House. We will take a cab from there to the airport and fly to Kona, Big Island, Hawaii. We'll then gradually drive over to Hilo side, enjoying the view and seeing new things on the way. We'll do the helicopter tour and then drive back while enjoying different scenery. It is a 2.5 hour drive but after talking about it we are both just excited to get to drive it and see the scenery. I'll write more about specific trip plans tomorrow.

Now it is time to start getting ready for bed and sleep. I am super tired. These extra long 10 hour days and not sleeping well at night has me just exhausted. It will be worth it to get to be off Friday and take this long weekend trip! My ankle is hurting a LOT. I need to be gentle on it tomorrow. Not a lot of walking and no going up and down the stairs a bunch of times and walking all over the place. Gentle on the ankle and let it be in decent shape for the weekend!

Malama pono, (Take care)

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