Monday, July 9, 2012

Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay (Part 1)

July 8, 2012

What a day! Romy (Professor) and Rachel (intern) are here in Hawaii studying apple snails. They were going to snorkel in Hanauma Bay today and asked if I wanted to go along. After a brief consult on the state of the ankle I agreed. We had a yummy breakfast made my Romy of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and peppers, toast and papaya before we went. We caught the #22 bus to Hanauma Bay and the fun began.

This is the overlook by the parking area when you get off the bus.

This is me at that overlook.

This is Romy.

Once you walk on into the area you stop and get your tickets, then have to go into a theater and watch a video. This was a neat fish statue by the area where you wait to go into the video.

The video talks about the fact that this is a bay, and how it was formed. Then it discusses that this is a nature preserve so treat it as such. Finally, it tells you not to touch any fish, turtles, or anything else in the water. Don't walk on the coral because it damages it. And to remember that these are wild creatures and fish that may decide to not be friendly if you harass them. After the video we signed a paper with info that will allow us to return within a year and not have to rewatch the video. After that we went down to the beach! I took LOTS of photos and videos of the beach.

So once we put all our stuff down together we kindof all did our own thing. I rented snorkel and mask (no fins due to my ankle). Romy and Rachel were already snorkeling. I went and snorkeled for about an hour and a half. It was AMAZING. I'll try to do another post with links to some of what I saw but there is simply too much for one post. I even saw an eel! Creepy and scary looking. We lay in the sun for a bit and warmed up. It is not cold enough to need a wetsuit but it does get chilly after a bit and there was a stiff breeze blowing which was chilly when you were wet on the beach. Romy and I went snorkeling a second time. I only did about 30 minutes before I was worn out and my ankle hurting. She did about an hour and a half more. I warmed up and dried out a bit in the sun and crisped a bit. Romy finished and we decided to call it a day. Romy had a snorkel problem so had decided to rent one. She and I returned our rented gear. We all rinsed off sand and went back to the bus area to catch the bus home. This is from a different overlook as we left.

We rode a VERY packed bus home. Not just standing room only, but people standing up with the driver because even the aisleway was too packed to fit in. We then had to traverse the hill of doom. Let me just say OUCH. That hill and my ankle do NOT like each other at all. Romy and I finally made it up the hill (Rachel had just walked right on up it like a trooper). Romy was re-rinsing her gear so I took a fast shower, rinsed and hung my bathing suit. Then I literally fell into a heap on my bed. I recall laying down and sending a text then waking up this morning. I was exhausted!!!! Swimming in the ocean is very tiring.

I also have video but it takes a really long time to upload so I will add it into a second post. So look for part 2! As for me, I am a bit crispy but not too bad. Only burned a bit on my legs and back. Basically areas I can't see to notice I was getting crispy. Me and the sun don't get along too well. Time to head to work so I'll post more tonight.

A hui kaua, (Until we meet again)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you went snorkeling -- hopefully you didn't do any additional damage to your ankle. My favorite pick of these photos is the last one -- the sea looks so blue!
