Monday, July 23, 2012

Quiet monday

July 23, 2012

Woke up and headed to work this morning at 7. Basically a normal morning. I had my coffee milk (which I have learned is called Misto - half coffee half milk) and a pumpkin and oatmeal muffin that Susan made. I didn't get a photo but there are some left so I will take one tomorrow.

I worked on data all morning for the DVFR. I also spent the majority of the day printing out the data for each case and getting that ready to put with the case file in case anyone needs to have access to this data for comparisons in the future.

I wasn't hungry for lunch so I skipped it and just kept working on the data. Ann made homemade pesto which was DELICIOUS. The best pesto I have ever had. She had left a container of it in the refrigerator for me. I had a bit on a small piece of french bread. It was very tasty.

A couple of bites was plenty, then back to the data. I am compiling all the risk factors currently. Basically trying to figure out the "Why?" to go with the who, what, when and where that is already done. I got that all ready and sent it to Ann at 3 then I left for the day since I'd skipped lunch.

On my way home there were 2 more coconuts that had fallen from the tree to the grass next to the sidewalk. So I can mail 2 more coconuts. Anybody want one????

Once I got home and settled I went to the kitchen for some water and food. Dinner tonight is a bottle of coconut water and some chips and salsa. Not exactly the height of nutrition but considering I have eaten enough to feed a small country for a year here lately I didn't feel the need to eat if I wasn't hungry. I nibbled on chips and salsa while I looked at the cacao pod and seeds that Romi got from the Big Island this weekend. I got to taste the white goopy pulp that was around the cacao beans yesterday. It is sweet and milky tasting. pretty good actually :)

That is it for today. I am spending the evening organizing photos and working on blog entries for the big trip that was this weekend.

Malama pono, (Take care)

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