Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Frustration, roast beef and sax music

July 9, 2012

Monday and all I can say is it was a Monday.

I am a bit sunburned so I was a bit itchy and tender all day. My ankle absolutely hates me. My ribs and prior broken bits hurt, so there is doubtless rain coming tomorrow. We got a bit of a rain storm today but only for a brief period. However, the temperature was lovely as always and it is beautiful here so life is great!

I spent the day working with Ann on he DVFR. We got a lot done but it was frustrating. Ann did a fair amount of raised voice venting because the database is so frustrating. It takes longer to figure out what the information IS then more to figure out if it is usable. I think we have it mostly ironed out now. The numbers are small, which is good since these are deaths by domestic violence, but frustrating to try to see trends or report the data. So many things we have to throw out because there are just not enough to report. I understand why people bang their head on the wall. Ann apologized that she wasn't yelling at me, just the frustration of this crazy data. I understand. I want to pull my hair out frequently myself. It was appreciated though and I'm glad I'm not personally driving her nuts. At least at this moment!

I stopped in to speak with Lori (our invaluable administrative assistant) and she had this cute little decoration on her board. It made me smile so I took a picture. It may seem silly, but with the aggravation of sorting through crap data it was nice to look over and just see something cute that brought a smile. It is the little things after all that can make a big difference.

So my entire day was locked in data land. Lunch wasn't thrilling but was good. I was very hungry since I missed dinner last night due to falling asleep. So I had the chocolate chip cookie Scott send in my last package as a snack before lunch. I also had half an orange with Susan. For lunch itself I had an Amy's Burrito Especial. It is organic tomatoes, rice, black beans, cheese and sauce. I also had a peach and an apple. Ann brought homemade salsa and blue tortilla chips so I had a few of those also.

I got home and there was an Amazon package for me. Jeff had sent me something. He told me I was to be the guinea pig and if I liked it he would buy some for himself. Scary but interesting. So I opened the box and found he'd sent me Kirkland canned roast beef.

I had some leftover rice in the fridge and figure I couldn't go wrong with rice. So I opened a can and dumped it and the broth in a bowl and added the leftover rice. Heat for 2 minutes and try. It seemed ok but bland. So I added a couple of spoons of tomatillo salsa. Stir. Try. Still a bit bland. Add a TON of salt and pepper. AHA. pretty good. Garlic or onion of other seasonings would have been handy but I didn't feel like cooking anything and I didn't want either uncooked in chunks. All in all it was pretty tasty. I only found one small piece of fat, which is pretty amazing. The meat seemed good quality and tastes fine. I think it would be really good cooked into soups or stews, shredded into tacos or a mexican dish (those 2 ideas were from the recipe insert attached to the cans), or even used to make pot pies or open face sandwiches. I think it would be best served hot. but then again, I don't like hardly any beef cold so I'm biased. It did make a pretty good dinner. A can of that and a cup of cooked rice and I was very full.

Since I have a decided lack of photos or anything interesting today I wanted to share a link. This is Lisa's boyfriend Wayne. He plays saxophone in a band (well, several actually since he fills in for others sometimes). In this clip is also a famous trumpet player. I thought you all might like to hear and see. Wayne is super nice and is always happy to explain new foods and Hawaiian things to me when Lisa, Wayne and Lisa's dad Papa George go out to eat. I don't know anything about saxophone but he sounds good to me! he is very shy and doesn't like the limelight but i think he, and others in this clip deserve some recognition!

Any day here is lovely. I was walking home from work and looking around at the trees, plants, flowers, creepy cthulu tendril looking succulents, etc. and thinking, "Wow, this place is just so amazingly beautiful." Each and every day I try to keep looking around and not taking even the small things I see every day for granted. I also love watching the palm trees. The fronds sway in the breeze and each leaf (?) looks like fingers. They are just so interesting to watch.

I am off to bed now. I am very tired. My ankle needs some serious rest. Goodnight my friends and family.

Malama pono,

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