Thursday, July 26, 2012

Morning kittens, ono burger and data cleaning

July 26, 2012

I was up late last night putting in applications for when I return home. I am trying very hard to get a graduate assistantship or anything since I have decided not to apply for the job here. I couldn't sleep and finally was able to drift off about 1am. I woke up at 5 and couldn't get back to sleep. I tried to just lay there and rest and finally gave up. I got ready for work and went in early. I took my leisurely time strolling in and selecting the flowers for my hair this morning.

I arrived about 6:30 and had a morning surprise! There are a couple of buff colored kittens that live next door. they are feral (wild/untamed) and live under a building. They are about 3 months old. I had seen them every morning for a while then the past two weeks I had not seen them at all. This morning I saw them both waking up, stretching and moving off to a new area. They must have moved their safe sleepy areas so i just don't see them now. It was a wonderful happy thought to know they were ok. I don't feel the urge or need to bother them or intrude on their lives, they seem to be doing just fine. It had just made me sad to think something may have happened to them. So a wonderful start tot he day to see them and know they are ok.

I had some Fruit Loops in my mug.

I worked on understanding the Filipino data until someone made coffee. I made my morning coffee milk and continued working on the data. Ann came down and we talked a bit before going back to her office. She had found more surveys for the Filipino data set. We went back to my office, reorganized the box of surveys and looked over some of the variable coding concerns. Basically I had to wait until I could talk to the contractor at 2pm. I tried to get it moved earlier but I hadn't gotten a  response by the time I went to lunch.

Emily came and got me for lunch and we went to The Counter. This is a neat place that uses "locally sourced and sustainable Protein, Cheese, Topping, Sauce and Bun choices from our local chefs and customers." They also use grass fed, antibiotic and hormone free beef. 

I started with a half and half sweet potato fries and crispy fried onion straws side. I would like to point out the SIDE ITEM portion size. It was HUGE. But super super tasty!
 It came with 3 dipping sauces. Left one was like a chipotle mayo/ranch, bottom was ranch, top was a steak sauce type dressing. The chipotle mayo/ranch was super on the sweet potato fries. They were all good on the onion straws.
 These were fantastic. Yum yum yum.

Emily got the2/3 lb. veggie burger  on a bed of organic salad greens, red onion, pickles, roasted corn and black bean salsa, and banana peppers. She had chipotle mayo and guacamole. Emily is usually vegan but is on a diet that has her eating different things. She let me try the veggie burger and it was really good!

I got the 1/3 lb. beef burger on organic salad greens with crumbled bleu cheese, cucumber, tomato, red onions, and roasted corn and black bean salsa. I had chipotle mayo for mine. This was WONDERFUL. I think I nearly ate myself into a coma. Very very ono (delicious)!!!!!

It was nice to spend some time with Emily. She is a pretty awesome person. we talked about New Orleans and Tulane compared to UK where I go. We discussed data projects we did for school. We also discussed her pit bull rescue stories (she knows I'm a kitty rescue person). Two data geeks who are animal lovers also!  :) Love it.

I went back to work and got ready for the conference call with the contractor. I spent the rest of the day till 4pm on the phone with the contractor going over how she needs to change variables, what to recode, and getting everything straightened up. This is not be being arrogant it is just what needed doing. So she is running with that and will be working on it. In the meanwhile I have a few things to do but not much. Ann gave me a copy of my GSIP evaluation sheet. She had good things to say. She gave me 9's out of 10 because she says nobody is perfect. So I apparently have done ok while I am here.

So now I am home and very very tired from my lack of sleep last night. I may take a nap and post more about the Big Island trip tomorrow. I have found my last coconut so now I have one for each person that wanted one! I am going to go through my last batch (and the LAST batch) of gift items and figure out what I can pack and take home with me and which need to be mailed. That is a task for this weekend. My time here is drawing short so I need to be thinking about what all I have left for food and consumables and not overbuy food or other things and start trying to use up what I have. I will certainly miss Hawaii.

Malamo pono, (Take care) 

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