Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Island Trip Part 1 - Arrival

July 20, 2012

This is the beginning of the Big Island trip. Romi and I woke up super early and headed out at 5:50am. We had showered and packed Thursday night and we were both just taking a backpack so we decided to catch the bus for the first stop of the day. We caught the #3 and went to The Original Pancake House in Ala Moana for breakfast. We didn't have a long time so even though I wanted to Try the Dutch baby or apple pancake (look at them here) I instead got Macadamia Nut Pancakes. They were VERY good. I got 5 HUGE macadamia nut filled pancakes. I could only eat 3. I'd have taken the rest with me but I was going to catch a plane. I have definately got to go back to this place.

Romi at breakfast! She got eggs, sausages and normal stuff so I didn't take a picture of hers.
 My macadamia nut pancakes. I got rid of the butter. There were TONS of mac nuts in the batter and cooked in, plus a sprinkling on top. They didn't need butter or syrup, the sign of a great pancake!!

We finished eating and called a cab to take us the rest of the way to the airport. We managed to go through security, board and have an uneventful trip to the Big Island. The flight was beautiful. It was amazing to get to see Oahu, Molokai, Maui, Lanai, Kauai and Big Island (Hawai'i) from the air.

The during flight refreshment. No soda here!
 The airport in Kona, on the Big Island. Yes, it has no walls. There are little pavillion type buildings with a roof for shade. Otherwise it is all open to the outside.
 A neat statue of hula dancers in the Kona airport. There was also live ukelele music and live hula dancers but there was a crowd and noise so getting video wouldn't have shown anything you could see and enjoy.

We got our rental car and were happily suprised that we got bumped up 2 upgrade classes. So we tossed our packs in the back seat and headed off down the road. Check in wasn't until 3pm so we didn't stop by the hotel first. Instead we headed North - towards the Northern tip of the island then across and down to Hilo. Hilo is on the exact opposite side of the island as Kona. We didn't want to change flights to land in Hilo because we had the time to drive and wanted to see the island. In Hilo we took a helicopter tour, but that will be in another post.

Here are a variety of photos I took while we were driving, at Scenic views and just anywhere I thought was neat to look at.

After we left Hilo I took a few more pictures of scenery and beautiful views as we headed South and around the southern tip of the island. We basically circled the entire island and checked into our hotel about 8:30pm.

We were staying at the Keauhou Sheraton. We got settled then changed into swimsuits and went down to watch manta rays (another post), get our free adult beverages (manta ray punch from the bar) and go swimming. The pool officially closes at 8 but if you are an adult and not causing a ruckus then you can swim anytime.We swam a while then moved to the hot tub and relaxed. A final quick dip in the pool and we were ready to call it a day. However, to get from the outdoor pool to the indoor area there is a winding bit of pool with a small slide. So we of course had to do that! So, we made our way through the winding canal and the slide and eventually dragged ourselves from the pool. Here is a link to the website view of the pools. Here was the view of the pools from our room door. The doors to the rooms open onto the walkway, but that is open to the air, there is no center area roof.

We each showered quickly and collapsed in bed. SHEER HEAVEN. I want to know what mattress and pillows they use. I want them. I want them a LOT. So off to sleepy land until time to wake and start Saturday's adventures.

To be continued...


1 comment:


    That's what they use and how you can get one :)
