Monday, July 9, 2012

The rabbit in the moon

July 7, 2012

Saturday and I did absolutely nothing. I read. watched Netflix, and slept. I think I fell asleep about 11am and slept till 7pm. Then I woke and watched Netflix and read till about 3am. I didn't even eat anything intresting, just leftovers. Quiet day to rest my ankle. It was rainy this morning and overcast in the afternoon. However it was still 80-83 degrees, so the temperature was still perfect. The ankle needed the rest so hopefully I can do something Sunday. I missed going to the Bon Dance Festival with Lisa and family though.

For an interesting thought for today: Lisa asked me what story we have for the moon. I told her we mention "The man in the moon" or that the moon is "made of green cheese". She said that Japanese children are told about the "rabbit in the moon pounding mochi". If you look it up on Google there are a lot of stories from all over the world. It is actually pretty interesting.

Malama pono,

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine says that on the 1st day of the month you are supposed to say "Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit" to bring good luck for the month -- apparently it is tied to the Rabbit in the Moon story.
