Thursday, June 21, 2012

And the wonderful day goes to hell

June 20, 2012

I had such an amazingly fantastic day. The special potluck with the lei and all the wonderful food at work was so very wonderful. Getting so much accomplished was also a great addition. The Honolulu Zoo (hat i saw of it so far) was really enjoyable. The live music was very enjoyable.

Then I started home. The buses I know come my direction had stopped running already. No worries, it was still light and I thought I'd enjoy the walk. So I set off home. I started back the way I know, then decided to to a little extra walking and explore some of the neighborhoods along the way. This was very enjoyable also. The evening was cool with a pleasant cool breeze blowing, the sun starting to go down, beautiful flowers and scenery.

Then just as it was starting to edge into twilight I was walking along, enjoying looking around at everything, went to step off a curb to cross the street and misstepped. I twisted my ankle and fell. Not a big deal except I had abut 2 miles to get home at this point and no bus anywhere near. Not to mention that most of the way home was UPHILL.

Suffice to say, walking home was incredibly NOT FUN. My the time I got home I was in a lot of pain. My palms were a bit scuffed but no big deal. My knee is scuffed and I have some black bruising that is steadily getting nastier below my knee. The worst is my ankle which is swelling into a big blob.

I think I got lucky and didn't break anything. I have osteoporosis so I have to be careful with any falls. I think I am fine with just some scuffs and bruises. I wrenched my back a bit and it is pretty sore, but I'm sure that's just tenderness and will be fine also. I'll just keep an eye on everything tomorrow and try to take it a bit easy till swelling goes away.

I took my shower and got settled in for the night. I've taken some anti-inflammatories and propped up my ankle while I've been on the computer. I don't have any ice so I'll just have to live without icing it. I've done the blog and shared my wonderful day. Now I'm going to bed and hopefully this swelling will be gone or much better by the morning.

So knock on wood, pray, burn herbs or anything you can to send the universe/God/spirits the message that this swelling and pain needs to be gone before I walk to work tomorrow. Maybe next time I'll pay more attention to where the curb drops off instead of staring like a rubberneck gawker at the landscape and architecture of the house across the street.

Aloha nui loa, (Much love)
~Melissa (the incredibly clumsy)

1 comment:

  1. OUCHIE !!! Poor baby ... sure do hope it gets better quick, you still have much to do! (That's like something I would do!)
