Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kahala Mall and House Potluck

June 24, 2012

Sunday and the ankle was improved immensely. However, I had to go to the grocery. I used the last of my toothpaste last night and that is not something I can do without. So I woke up this morning and puttered around a bit here, then set off to Kahala Mall and the grocery there. As I was walking down the hill I saw the bus that I was going to catch drive off. ARGH. It was almost 10 minutes early!!!! So I got frustrated and just walked to the mall. It's only 1.2 miles and no uphills. My ACE wrap was in place and my ankle felt fine with it on. The walk was pleasant, I went slowly. I found some pretty bushes along the way.

I was walking along and realized I had found Times Supermarket (by the mall). So I went inside to check it out. I wasn't impressed. I got my toothpaste, bag of shell pasta and then went on to the mall. Why go to the mall? WHOLE FOODS! Love that place. There I got the other food items I needed for the week: a sourdough batard (which I had them slice), some frozen tamales, an Amy's Burrito Especial (with green chiles, black beans, tomatoes and rice - YUM), 2 bottles of organic lemonade - 1 strawberry lemonade and one raspberry lemonade (they were on sale 2 for $4, the cherry lemonade was sold out but it was super good when I got it before), frozen mixed veggies, Hellman's mayonnaise, Maui lettuce, the house brand medium salsa and blue & white corn tortilla chips, a new container of almond milk and some ranch dressing. They have a deli there and I picked up a ham and turkey sandwich on fresh french bread, garlic aoili, pesto, swiss cheese, tomato and lettuce. Sorry if my grocery list is boring but I am writing it to help myself remember what I got so I can remember what I like and don't like for future trips. Had a sample of this Parrano cheese - it is amazingly good. Like a parmesan/romano blend but a million times better. They rarely have cheese samples out since cheese is so expensive here. I didn't get any due to cost but it was great.

I cut through the mall to get to the return bus stop and I saw these bags in a shop. When you look over and see yourself on something you have to get a better look.
This is me:

This is Michael:

I caught the bus home... or rather I caught the bus to the closest stop to home. This stop is on 18th Avenue. I then get to hike up an incredibly steep and long hill to almost the VERY top where the house is located. Let me tell you, hiking up that hill with heavy groceries SUCKS IMMENSELY. There is a reason I go often and buy small amounts. This is what I refer to as "The Hill of DOOM". I am standing at my house driveway. Look alllllllll the way down to the bottom where it levels out - that is 18th street and my bus stop is around the corner to the right. People from work don't even like to drive down this hill.

So I got home and put away the groceries. I rested my ankle for about 30 minutes while I cooled down. Afterwards it was downstairs to start cooking for the house potluck tonight! I decided to make a pasta salad. I put the water on to boil and cut a lemon (from Lisa's tree in her yard) and tossed it in the pot. As the water started heating I took out the lemon and squeezed all the juice out, careful not to get seeds in the pot of water. The slight heating allowed me to get a lot more juice in a much easier way, as well as a bit of the oils into the water. Once that was boiling I put in my bag of pasta shells and cooked till tender. I drained those and added in my bag of frozen mixed veggies (corn, peas, carrots, limas, and green beans) and just let the heat from the pasta thaw them. I added in about 1/2 cup of Hellman's mayonnaise and 1/2 cup of ranch dressing. I removed the leaves from a handful of cilantro stalks and finely chopped the leaves only and added those and about a teaspoon of black pepper. Stir well and stick in a gallon bag. I stuck it in the refrigerator to chill.It was a success. The pasta had a pleasant citrusy lemon taste without it tasting acidic. It was tasty!

Here are the ladies that live here and Paul (the culinary student in the guy's house). We were all cooking together. I was done cooking early so while mine was chilling I just relaxed in the sitting area by the kitchen with my ankle elevated and was social.

This is Ana. She is at the Waikiki aquarium this summer on internship. She made a cheesy dip.

This is Jen. She is a NOAA summer intern also. She made a yummy Bavarian torte. This was a little scary because she tells a story about making brownies for her class. When her mom went to cut them to stack them nicely on a plate she found a paper towel baked into the brownies. To this day Jen doesn't know how the paper towel got into the brownie batter. However, the torte was delicious tonight :)

This is Erin. She is a NOAA summer intern also. She made baked beans!

This is Maddy. She is a NOAA summer intern also. She made bacon wrapped stuffed dates.

This is Yu. She is a Sport Science student at KCC (Kapiolani Community College) here from Japan. She is also a yoga instructor. She made a yummy fruit plate.
This is Emma. She is also a NOAA summer intern. She made eggplant parmesan.

This is Paul (he is at the guy's house) but was using our oven. He is a culinary student at KCC. He made a delicious roast pork that he shredded. He also baked homemade ciabatta rolls. Put them together and you get delicious pulled pork sliders!

This is Nikki, she is the property manager. She made the slaw seen above, and these yummy adult popsicle. These are on Hello Kitty popsicle bases. The one I had was POG (pinapple-orange-guava juice with vodka) and she made pina colada (coconut milk, pineapple juice and rum). I had a taste of the pina colada ones and they were GREAT too.

Here we all are eating!The potluck was delicious food and it was great to get to meet everyone. There were a few guests also.

This is Ran, she is upstairs in the house with me but didn't come to the gathering.She is a friend of Sayuri.

I don't have photos of Nazomi and Sayuri. They both are really good surfers. Nozomi is a student at UH (University of Hawaii) and if I recall she is studying International Relations or something like that. I am sorry but I don't have a picture of her yet .Sayuri is/was a professional surfer. We have short and long surfboards here in the hallways. Sayuri Hashimoto is her name if you want to look her up online. I don't see much of Nomomi or Sayuri but both are very nice.

That is it for today. My ankle is a bit swollen but is doing alright. I think the worst is over. I'll just avoid hiking anywhere for a bit and I'll be fine :) Pain is under control and I am having no problems. I'll ice it and elevate it tonight before bed just to be safe. All is well and I'm ready for a good night's sleep!

Malama pono, (be well)

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