Thursday, June 14, 2012

Honolulu Museum of Art: Tattoo Honolulu (Part 3)

June 13, 2012

The second part of the Tattoo exhibit were of flash (the drawings of the artwork of the tattoo artist so you can see and/or choose your image) and implements used in various cultures throughout the world to perform tattoos. I didn't take pictures of the implements but I got some of the flash. This section focused on artwork designed for the military around the wars and their time posted in the Pacific.

As th time was winding towards closing (time FLIES when you are having fun) we stopped briefly at the gift shop to look around. Because I am not made of money I didn't purchase anything other than a few postcards. Susan got a free poster as a member's gift, which she let me select and have. THANK YOU Susan!!!! I saw some really neat things though so took pictures. I LOVE the kitty clock, it is just so neat. It is actually small, this is a very close-up picture. Rob-I can imagine the Buddha Board on your desk. You just wet the brush and paint on it. Some of the designs were very intricate on them but by the time I could get a photo they were already evaporating. As the water evaporates the board clears until it is completely blank again! Such a neat idea!

We left the gift shop and found this lovely garden. It was quite dark but I got a couple of photos that looked neat because of the dark and shadows that i wanted to share. I definitely need to come back and visit this museum in the daytime to see the other exhibit areas and the beautiful museum building and gardens themselves.

The Museum event was closing so we left and went to catch our bus home. We were taking the same bus with different stops for us to get off. So we walked a few blocks to the bus stop and on the way I saw this lovely sculpture/statue. Again, it is dark but I enjoyed the look of the image after I tried to take the photo so I am sharing it. If you look closely you can see a flower on her wrist, someone added that to the statue, more yarn decorations.

We caught our bus and headed home. What an ncredible evening. I can't wait to go back and see more!

I hope you have enjoyed the virtual experience with me. I walked home from the bus stop and enjoyed the beautiful evening breeze and the sight of the lights. This place is just amazing.Time for sleep now, I can only hope I can carry some of these beautiful images into my dreams.

Aloha auinapo, (Goodnight, very late, after midnight)


  1. Ok, buddha board looks way cool. I'm looking that up on to see how much it is mainland :)

  2. Tattoos ... I am fascinated! Thanks for the virtual tour.
