Thursday, June 21, 2012

Honolulu Zoo endangered bird tour and live music

June 20, 2012

At the end of my day Jeff helped me find something to do tonight. As it turns out Susan is very familiar with the activity and thought I'd LOVE it. So I walked from work to Waikiki (I felt like walking rather than taking the bus) and went to "The Wildest Show in Town" which is held every Wednesday night June-August at the Honolulu Zoo. Tonight's performance was Leha Kalima and Shawn Pimental. They were very good. Leha Kalima is a popular member of a group called "Na Leo Pilimehana". She has gone through a divorce and by working on some solo work it helped her process the divorce. She is NOT leaving the group, this is just an extra project she did. Tonight's performance was to promote the solo CD called "Rising in love" which I got and she signed. Here is her signing my cd after the show. I am also including a clip of her from YouTube. I took  short video (sorry it is sideways), you can't really see them but I hope you can hear them.

Before the live music started I walked around a bit and took some pictures and video. Here are some of the sights:

Neat trees around the big grassy area where the stage is located.

 Flamingoes! They were closer than this picture looks - my phone makes everything look far away.
 If you "Adopt an Animal" which contributes your donation directly to the care of the animal you select, you get one of these big stuffed animals to match the animal you donated money to support.
 This was a really pretty flower blooming in a raised urn filled with water and water lillies.
 This tree is so neat, it is naturally streaked with colors. I also took a video of it (ARGH, sideways!!!)

A really neat dolphin statue. I liked it so took a photo.

The gates opened for this event at 4:30 and the music started at 6. It is only $3 to get in and that goes to support the Zoo. Each week they do a free private tour of some section of the zoo for the 45 minutes before the music starts. Tonight's tour dealt with some of the birds, specifically the wrinkled hornbill. There was no way to get a really good picture of the birds behind the mesh that contains them so I took photos of the plaques for some of the more endangered birds that were discussed tonight. I will try to write more about them on a day I don't have much to talk about.

After the tour, then the live music and CD signing the event ended and I headed home. This was a REALLY REALLY great day.

To be continued...

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