Thursday, June 14, 2012

Honolulu Museum of Art: Tattoo Honolulu (Part 2)

June 13, 2012

This is Susan and I in front of the Honolulu Museum of Art. I greatly appreciate her inviting me along. It was a wonderful fun evening. Please be aware my photos don't do this incredible museum and artwork justice. Click on the link and you will see some better images.

Entering the building we saw this lovely statue in the twilight.

We wandered on into the building and ran into a friend of Susan's, they are both members of Zonta International. This group is involved with improving women's lives worldwide through education, gender equality, and various political, legal, economic and health efforts. Since my project is working with Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence (women are the victims the vast majority of the time) we chatted for a while. we enjoyed wine and pupus (appetizers) of various cheeses, gourmet crackers and grapes.

We went in to see the exhibit then and I took a LOT of photos.The models for the artwork were present and happy to chat or take photos with people. I got a few of them also. I did ask the Museum people and confirmed that photos were alright.

The first part of the exhibit were photos of tattoo artwork on people. The images involved a lot of the Japanese and Asian artwork of dragons, carp, birds, etc. There is also a selection of the trial motifs that were very common amongst the Pacific Islanders and Hawaiians.

As I said, a LOT of pictures.

To be continued in Part 3!


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