Saturday, June 9, 2012

Holey shoes and pie holes

June 8, 2012

I woke up and headed into work today early, arriving about 7:15. The morning I spent entering cases into the HSDVFR. I entered the LAST case right before lunch! WOOHOO! Ann and I will go over the qualitative data on Monday to look for trends and code the barriers and recommendations. Then I will enter those and the data entry is finished! Just as I finished and was heading out to go look for food and loosen up my stiff muscles Ann got out of her meeting. So we walked together to talk about the project as we went. We stopped at another building to talk to one of the epidemiologists and I saw this room. I couldn't resist a photo. Data storage:

We were looking for the Subpreme food wagon but it didn't come today. We were thinking sandwich so we walked over to KCC to hit up the Subway there. On the way back we walked to the community herb garden there and I saw some wonderfully neat plants. I had to take some pictures to share.

 Herbs, herbs, herbs! Wouldn't this be great to have available to pick fresh herbs anytime?

These are some sort of flowering spiky cactus. The second pic is some sort of lime.

Nothing special about my sandwich so I didn't take a picture. Just a turkey and bacon with avocado, lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, spinach and cheese on italian herb and cheese bread. However, I only ate half because at work April (I don't have a picture of her) had brought in yummy food too. So I tried beef chow fun (beef stewed noodles). It was very tasty. I had a small piece of the beef which was very tender and good. It also had beef tendon which I didn't try - I can't wrap my brain around wanting to eat that. Sorry but just no.

Alice (SO SORRY!!! I don't know why I put your name wrong!) also had brought in a big container of pickled mango that she had made herself. Now I know this sounds odd but it is DELICIOUS. It is a sweet and sour crunch. It is not the ripe squishy mangoes, you make it with unripe mangoes that are still firm and have a crunch to them. It has the texture of biting into a crisp apple, but with a delicious sweet and sour blend. I can't describe it but it was delicious. To make it just peel and slice mango (or substitute apple, firm peaches, etc). Heat apple cider vinegar to boil and add equal sugar (1C to 1C), stir till the sugar melts. Add to the sliced fruit. Close it up and let it sit overnight. Voila! Done. Easy and delicious. Lori helped me get a bowl together to bring home to enjoy more of it this weekend. Thanks Lori! And thanks April for making such yummy food and sharing!

The afternoon went quickly with getting the barriers and recommendations data organized to code on Tueaday. In addition, Ann and I are tweaking the demographics questions for the Sexual Health survey (my project) and starting to look at tweaking some of the other questions. basically I got a lot done and set up to hit the ground running productively on tuesday when we come back after the long weekend.

I came home and thought I'd go to the Pan-Pacific Festival that started today and goes till Sunday. Tonight was the Ho'olaule'a from 7-10pm. That is like a street party that goes on for about 4 blocks with performers, craft and food vendors. I thought I'd go walk around there but I decided not to for a few reasons:
1) I found today that I have HOLES in the soles of my tennis shoes. I have literally walked holes in them since I've been here. This goes beyond duct tape to correct. I need new shoes.

2) I have a long weekend ahead and don't want to overdo it on the first night. I need new shoes so I don't make my blisters worse and then can't walk around without serious pain for the rest of the time.

3) Farmer's market at 7am tomorrow. Then catch the bus or walk (probably bus since my shoes are falling apart) to Waikiki to catch the parade at 9am. I will then go buy new shoes. Then I can walk around and enjoy all the performances at the 6 different areas set up for drumming, hula competitions and folk dance performers. I will also wear my swimsuit so hopefully i can find a shady spot near the hula competitions on the beach and watch that from the shade while I relax. I can go cool off in the ocean and then catch the bus back home whenever I'm ready.

4) Waikiki after dark can be a bit alarming for a woman alone. During the day it is very safe and I feel completely secure but at night there have been some crime against tourists (pursesnatching, etc). I'd likely be fine and if I was really really wanting to go I'd find a way to do it safely but I am TIRED.

As a side note I was talking to Rob online and we were discussing the Cracked Seeds from yesterday's blog. I was trying to explain that in the Crack Seed stores they sell more than just the li hing powder covered dried fruits. So I found this photo to describe it better. In addition the info below the pic reads:  "More commonly known as Crack Seed. A number of these can be quite tasty. Others will cause you to uncontrollably eject (spit) the substance from your pie hole.You can read the labels by viewing the massive size."

LOLOLOLOL. Uncontrollably eject the substance from your pie hole. Freaking hilarious.

So anyway, I thought it was funny and wanted to share my chuckle. I think Rob and I got grins and giggles for hours with that.

So a good night's sleep tonight, then enjoy the festivities tomorrow. I'm heading off to read a bit before bed. I'm currently finishing Hyena Moon by Jeanette Battista. It's the 3rd book in the series. A relaxing read, young adult, light and enjoyable. So I'm off to read and get some sleep.


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