Thursday, June 14, 2012

Honolulu Museum of Art: Tattoo Honolulu (Part 1)

June 13, 2012

Tonight I went to the Honolulu Museum of Art with Susan. She is a member and invited me as her +1 guest for the Pre-opening party for the Tattoo Honolulu exhibit. We arrived a bit early so we had time to enjoy the artwork outside the museum. These are woven artwork but you can walk in and out of them. They are very fun and interesting.

This is a moving sculpture also outside the Museum of Art. Sorry the pictures are sideways.

We walked on over to the Honolulu Museum of Art School which is BEAUTIFUL. My picture doesn't do it justice. Please go to the link and see the photos of the building. The first is a sculpture outside the building. The second is the building itself. The third is the view from the open balcony/lanai above the entrance.

This was an interesting horse sculpture/statue at the entrance. I liked it so took a lot of pictures. It reminds me of that goofy picture of Khrypton with him sticking his tongue out. It reminded me of my departed buddy so I took several pictures. Gone but not forgotten Khrypton.

Here is some artwork made by students that were on the walls inside.

 The light spots on this are not flash reflection. They are light areas of the picture. This photo doesn't do it justice at all. The light areas make the identifying face and hands of the figure too light to see, making the identity a mystery. Like the revealed skin is glowing but out of focus to distort the eye. It was really striking.

Rob- I specifically took these for you. Alice in Wonderland, manga style.

After this it was getting time for the opening of the event so we walked back to the Museum of Art. Right at the entrance there are two little horse statues. One of them had been decorated with a knitted or crocheted lei, and a type of saddlebag and blanket. There were fabric squares in the pouch with the black and white ID code on one. I tried to see if my phone would scan it to see if it was an ID of some sort but the app wouldn't work. Regardless, it was very neat. Quite a few of the statues around Honolulu have added decorations.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this evening's artistic endeavors!


1 comment:

  1. ohhh, those are AWESOME! Thank you, i have them saved on my thumbdrive now :) Hmmmmmmm, maybe I am starting to feel inspired to scribble a little....
