Monday, June 25, 2012

Data, hurricane popcorn and flowers

June 25, 2012

I woke up this morning to rain. It hasn't rained much since I have been here - this is the dry season. So I dawdled a bit getting ready to see if it would slack off a bit for my walk to work. It did, so that was nice. There was only a light misty rain as I walked. I got to work and got settled. As I was making my morning cup of coffee infused vanilla almond milk I looked outside and there was a beautiful rainbow. I couldn't get a good picture but I did get this not-so-great picture.

I spent the day dealing with murder data. The connection at work was SO SLOW today. It was a struggle to gt to the data I needed. I was looking on the Hawaii Attorney General, FBI and Judicial Branch websites to get the Universal Crime Statistics. The FBI and Judicial Branch sites have interactive data tables you can customize!!! WOOHOO! So i can build tables based on Hawaii (or any state or states) compared to National stats for violent crime, murders, separated by age, gender and type of crime. It is AWESOME!!!! I know... this is probably less than exciting for most people but for me it is really neat. Ann was out so I spent the morning looking through data sets and breaking down total murders for the counties of Hawaii per year. The numbers are too small to report year by year, so I then compiled it into a 10 year average for all the stats. The end result? Well, who knows. Meaning I don't know that we can use any of it but it was interesting. Maybe we can use something in it as a line or two. UGH.

Lunch was leftover pasta salad from the potluck last night. I was trying not to do stairs if I could avoid it so I ate with Lisa in her office since the conference room was being used. We each had some pasta salad. She had a little and a sandwich from home. I had more and no sandwich. Lisa also made some popcorn. It is a Hawaiian popcorn mix that comes with the microwave popcorn bag, a packet of liquid butter (butter flavored oil like at the movies), furikake and mochi arrare. You put it all in the plastic bag that comes with it and shake, and you have a very yummy snack!

The afternoon I worked with more data. At 2:30 Ann, Tod and Christy and I all met to go over the Domestic Violence Fatality Review history. Tod and Christy both used to work on it before they went on to other things. We found out some interesting and useful information. We also found out that they had the original review forms! Christy got the key for the locked cabinet and now I have access tot he original data forms! She also had an excel file that has more of the barriers and recommendations data that didn't make it into the database. This is excellent! So I/we will look over that tomorrow and see what all is there. This would have all been handy from the beginning.

I talked to Ann about working on finalizing the survey questions. Rose Marie gave us her edits and suggestions this afternoon. Ann and I will meet tomorrow to go over them in more depth. We will also try to do a quick meeting with Family Planning to explain the survey purpose. Then they can meet amongst themselves to determine their input on their survey questions. We also need to touch base with Venie in STD's to get her thoughts and suggestions. Basically, just trying to get the survey questions finalized so I can start entering it into Survey Monkey. That way it would be ready for the branch to pilot whenever Ann is ready - probably fall when the students return since it will be piloted at UH (University of Hawaii).

So, the workday over I walked home slowly. My ankle was a bit tender but otherwise ok. I took my time and took some lovely pictures of the blooming flowers. Susan, I haven't posted as many flowers lately so I thought you might like these.

Now for some Angel on Netflix. I'm on season 1, episode 10. I'll prop my ankle up and relax a bit. Then read a bit and head to bed early. The ankle is doing better and the bruises fading. A few more days of being easy on it and I think it'll be ok. Stairs hurt and going up and down hills, but otherwise I am fine. So no worries on that anymore.

Malama pono, (take care)

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