Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A normal day, food and Google directions

June 26, 2012

I woke to rain. It was 3am so it was peaceful to go back to sleep to the sound of the rain outside. I woke again at 6 with the alarm and it was still raining. I took my time getting ready for work and timed my leaving to coincide with the rain letting up. I went in at 7:30 so it was still early. My ankle was a bit mroe tender walking in to work this morning, but still doing fine. I saw this growing on a tree on the way to work. I have seen these before (and even taken a picture and put it on the blog) but I still have no idea what this fruit/whatever is called. I'll ask the folks at work tomorrow.

Work was... well... work. Ann and I met early and reorganized the paper files for the Domestic Violence Fatality Review (DVFR). We then spoke with Rose Marie regarding her comments and suggestions for the Hawaii Sexual Health Survey (HSHS). We decided on a few changed to the demographics and discussed the importance of being able to compare our data with published data (BRFSS and NISVS especially). I stopped by Lisa's office on the way back to mine and she had picked up food. I had a piece of some sort of cooked tuna sushi. It was tasty. I wasn't very hungry so I just had the one piece. She also gave me the bento you will see below.

I made the changes to the HSHS demographics section and a few other changes Ann wanted. Ann had a meeting so I worked till lunch on the DVFR data. I had some questions I needed to ask Ann so I went ahead and had lunch. I shared the last of the pasta salad I had made with Susan. She brought in carrots, olives, honeydew melon, tomatoes, spinach and some sort of pumpernickel bread that was not like any I had ever had before (it was compressed) to go with the pasta salad. I had a bite of everything from the bento but closed it up to take home for dinner and ate the veggies and pasta for lunch.

These are pickled fiddlehead ferns. Lois brought these back from the big island and pickled them. she brought them to lunch to share. They are very good. They have a texture like a green bean, but taste slightly different. I liked them :)

The afternoon went quickly. Susan was kind enough to make us each a cup of ginger and lemongrass tea. I got with Ann and got my questions answered so I could work more on the DVFR. I was going over the list of barriers and recommendations. coding those, then entering the data and getting frequencies. I got that all ready to show Ann tomorrow and tidies it into some charts and a graph. By then my ankle was really hurting for some reason. Thankfully, it was the end of my workday. I went home and propped up my ankle while I chatted with folks from home and snacked a bit on some chips and salsa.

After talking with folks from home I had the bento that Lisa was so generous and got for me. I stayed off my feet and kept my ankle propped up, though it is still hurting. The bruises are getting better, there is definite improvement and healing.

So now I am about to curl up with a cup of homemade hot chocolate (a gift from the Sunday evening potluck made by Maddy to each of the household members). It is cooler than usual, probably due to the rain today, and therefore a great night for hot chocolate.
 When I went to get the hot water I met Erin's mother. she is staying for 10 days as a guest in the house (only $21 a night sharing Erin's room!!!!). It is good that she can come visit Erin, they are so excited. Erin is an undergrad and probably only about 21 or 22. Her Mom has never been to hawaii and is very happy to get to see both her daughter and the island. I have some ideas for places to stay much cheaper than hotels cost if anyone decided they ever want to come to Honolulu. Unfortunately I can't make the flights cheaper. As Scott found out, you can plan to kayak across the Pacific Ocean for 2,756 miles to save a few bucks! Do a google maps search from Lexington, KY to Honolulu, HI.

33. Turn left to stay on NE Northlake Way

79 ft
34. Turn right to stay on NE Northlake Way

1.0 mi
35. Kayak across the Pacific Ocean
Entering Hawaii

2,756 mi
36. Continue straight

0.1 mi
37. Turn left onto Kuilima Dr

0.5 mi
38. Take the 3rd right onto HI-83 W

12.4 mi
39. Continue straight onto HI-99 S/Kamehameha Hwy

I'm going to watch an episode of Angel on Netflix and head to bed. Tomorrow is a training 9-12 downtown at the State Department of Health building. I haven't been inside it yet, though I have seen it from the street. I can luckily catch a ride there with Rose Marie from work rather than taking the bus. We will meet Ann and Lisa there. Ann and I can ride back with Lisa when it is over. The plan is to get some lunch down there before we head back to the office. I would like to go to the zoo tomorrow evening if it isn't rainy or wet - assuming my ankle is up to it. I'm trying to stay off it tonight and ice it to help the swelling go back down. This needs to get better quickly, i have things to do!

Malama pono, (take care)

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