Sunday, June 10, 2012

Farmers Market yummies and bruschetta

June 9, 2012

SATURDAY! That means Farmer's Market. Rob was telling me about making red sauce the other day so I am getting ingredients to make a hybrid red sauce/salsa variation. So I got roma tomatoes, a red onion, and a rosemary baguette. Then I went to the community herb garden and got some rosemary, marjoram,cilantro and sweet basil. I saw two things I wanted to share today. The first is called a "mountain apple". They looked really neat but I didn't get any. The second was a flower called  "red torch ginger" and is edible.

Due tot he Pan-Pacific Festival going on in Waikiki the crowds were significantly less today so I was able to try a couple of things that usually have a REALLY long line. First was the Thai Gingerade made with thai basil, calamansi limes, thai ginger syrup and water. It was very good! The second was Heo lat hot from The Pig Lady. This is mostly Vietnamese style food. Heo lat hot is ground beef and pork with Vietnamese spices (I don't know which ones) wrapped in a betel leaf and coked. It looks a lot like a stuffed grape leaf and has that texture. However, it tastes very different. the betel leaves have a flavor that is hard to describe but yummy.

I had already missed the start of the parade in Waikiki so I went back to the house and watched some of it live online. It was interesting but I am ok with not being there in person. Then I took a nap. I have been very tired and I really love sleeping at that time of day. It is warm enough I am not in pain and cool enough I am completely comfortable.

I woke up in the afternoon and started making the hybrid red sauce/salsa. I diced the red onion and sauteed it in a deep skillet with juice of half of a fresh lime squeezed in and a bit of water. I didn't use any butter or oil in this dish. I wasn't going for carmelization, just wanted them to start cooking a bit while I diced the roma tomatoes and added them into the skillet. I used about 10 small romas and about 5 med to large romas. I didn't have any fresh or powdered garlic so I added a bit of garlic salt. I sprinkled in about a tablespoon of ground black pepper. Then I threw in a couple of stalks of rosemary, 1 of marjoram, and did a rough chop on a handful of cilantro and a handful of sweet basil then added those. I remembered I had some corn to use to I cut the corn kernels off the cob into the mix. I turned it to about 4, a little hotter than a low simmer but not enough to boil the water coming from the tomatoes, covered it and went and read my kindle in the sitting area next to the kitchen for about 3 hours, stirring every 30 minutes or so. This is what it looked like when finished. I used it to top the rosemary baguette slices, much like a bruschetta. I shared some with some of the other ladies here who wanted a taste of this mixture they had been smelling for hours.

After this it was dark already so I talked with the other ladies here for a while then went upstairs to my room. I curled up with my book and read for a bit. I finished Hyena Moon by Jeanette Batista and started a new book. I had downloaded this a while ago. It is Grave Witch: An Alex Craft Novel by Kalayna Price.So a bit of reading then sleep. Not a super exciting day, but a pleasant mixture of enjoying the outdoors, cooking and resting.

Hope everyone has had a lovely Saturday!

Me ka ha`aha`a, (humbly yours)

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