Monday, May 21, 2012

First day

May 21, 2012

Well, I started my internship today. The office is about 3 short blocks away, it takes me less than 10 minutes to walk it leisurely. I was told to arrive sometime around 8... or 9... or 10... I love laid-back Hawaiian time. So I headed in about 8 while it was still cool outside. On my way I was just meandering along and looking at flowers and a mango fell out of a tree and almost hit me on the head! It obviously wanted to come with me so I picked it up and took it with me to work. Apparently there are lots of types of mangoes, this is a new type I hadn't seen. I'll be eating it tonight later for a snack.

I found Ann (Dr. Ann Pobutsky) my boss. She gave me a lovely shell lei!

They are playing musical offices, so we spent the morning talking and getting to know each other while packing her office up. Then I went around and met and talked with several other people. I certainly have no problem talking as anyone who has known me more than 2 minutes can attest to. This is known as talking story here, or Kukakuka. Basically, I found out what people do there and what their projects are that will intersect with mine. After that we had a pot luck lunch. It was delicious. I didn't take a picture because I was too busy eating! We had BBQ ribs, cold cuts and bread, salad, fresh veggies, a noodle salad, two separate types of bean salad which were both really good, chips, cornbread, brownies, and a pear cheesecake bar type desert. These things may sound like things we have back home but everything was slightly different... different seasonings and everything just tasted so wonderful. And to drink, guava juice :)

The afternoon was spent with Ann and I discussing the project while walking around while I saw different desks and chairs and picked what I wanted. We wrangled me a nicer computer and I even managed to get 2 monitors for it. I should be well set now for research. Discussion is ongoing about the project, we have to find some information and get our hands on some things to review before determining any more specifics. So I'll have more on that in a few days once the moving is done.

Tomorrow the movers come and shuffle all the stuff. Then I will clean my area and scavenge office supplies I may need. I am mostly set up though. Ann even made me a nice sign for my door. I step into the hallway which is open to the outdoors and I have a lovely view. I wanted to wait to take pictures until the moving is done and things settled down.

We also have a nice community garden out back. I went with Ann today and we watered plants and harvested some tomatoes, peppers and okra. Tomorrow she says we will harvest some greens and other things. There are fresh herbs back there also, and I tried a couple of new things. I'll have to get the names of those herbs again, they were yummy. I will try to get some pictures of that tomorrow. Today was just so busy with meeting people and running I didn't have a lot of chance to take pictures.

Wednesday the IT folks should have my computer up and running so I will be able to actually start on some work. I am very excited about this project. We are discussing so many interesting possibilities.

Ann was nice enough to bring me home since she had her car today (usually she takes the bus in to work). She offered to take me to the grocery later this week if there is anything I need. Also, tomorrow I will dress super casual and remember my tennis shoes and sunscreen. We are planning to walk down the street to a little food place, as well as to Kaimuki Street (?) to find the restaurants and shops there. We also plan to go to the community college for lunch soon since they have the culinary program there.

All in all a good and exciting first day, while being very laid back and casual. Most everyone is very laid back and easy going. Ann is originally from Detroit and is much more busy and active. She should be a great person to work with on the project. It is a nice blend of people and seems to be a great working environment.

More soon as we start into the project and I get more pictures!

Aloha ahiahi, (Good evening (around sunset)),

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great first day. Good to know the people you are working with are nice and laid back.

    I hear the ox tail soup is divine at Sekiya's Delicatessen :)

    Ok, I can't really say that for sure, but it's on Kaimuki street
