Monday, May 14, 2012

What started as a morning walk... (Part 1)

May 14, 2012

I woke up at 5am again. Of course, this is 11am at home so that isn't surprising. I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to go for a morning walk while it was nice and cool. I thought I'd just go walk around the neighborhood and get to know the area.

So I started walking. Along the way the sun started coming up and I thought this was a neat image.

I kept walking and saw this neat papaya tree. It is bigger than the one in the yard where I am staying. I think the leaves are really neat looking, especially with the beautiful sky as a backdrop.

I wasn't tired so I kept walking. I found a coffee shop and decided to try the Kona coffee that is so famous. I had an iced hazelnut latte. YUM. The coffee is so mellow. I don't like coffee much usually because it is bitter but this was super smooth. Across the street I saw this sign and it reminded me how much more expensive things are here!

So I kept walking and the next thing I knew I was passing the Honolulu Zoo! That is in Waikiki, which is about a 30-40 minute walk. So I figured I was near the ocean so I walked on until I saw the ocean. Here are some pictures of my first walk along the beach here. Remember, it is still very early, about 7am at this point and the sun isn't fully up so the water still is a bit dark.

I sat and looked at the water for a bit, then decided since I was in Waikiki I'd spend some time wandering around. I had a few items I needed to shop for (a hat, cover-up, a small and large bag to carry things in. So I headed down the street to see what I could find.


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