Sunday, May 20, 2012

update Kualoa Ranch - Movie sites and ranch tour

May 20, 2012

The second tour of the day was the Movie Sites and ranch tour. I got a ton of wonderful pictures. The first picture includes some cement bunkers that were built during WWII to protect against attack. These bunkers are found throughout the island and on many places on the ranch.

Of particular note: When the filming of Pearl Harbor started the locals panicked when the bombers were flying through the mountain pass and then the simulated bombing started. this was the actual pass that they came through for the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The locals did not know that this was for a movie and thought this was really happening again. The filming had to stop and a LOT of apologies to the locals were made. The emotional trauma this caused the locals was severe and it took quite a while before filming was able to be started up again.

The last one is an island people call Chinaman's Hat. The coral reef surrounds this island and at low tide you can actually walk out to it. This is not a great idea because it is a ways out and you are almost guaranteed to get stuck out there as the tide comes back. However, it is possible. Also, walking on the coral damages it and it takes years to grow back.


1 comment:

  1. How cute - is that an old volcano or something. Seems awful big. Maybe it is a stronger material that the surrounding, which weathered away.
