Sunday, May 20, 2012

Update Kualoa Ranch - Horses and Jungle tour

May 20, 2012

I couldn't take my camera along for the hoseback tour but I did get the picture they took of me. This is me and Hercules. This is me taking a picture of a picture so please forgive the quality. Here is also the overhead vie of the ranch.

Next was the Jungle Expedition. While in Pinzgauer hell we did get to stop for several photos from nice overlooks. Also, we paused and got out and hiked up the mountain to get a breathtaking view of the valley. I am sure you need to be part mountain goat to get up the path. I finally got to the top and took some good pictures.



  1. I like that shirt! Wow, the views there are incredible.

  2. GORGEOUS ! (You and the scenery :-)
