Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kualoa Ranch (Part 2)

May 17, 2012

After the second tour we went back to the ranch house and had lunch. It was a buffet and included some sort of BBQ ribs, stir fry veggies, salad, and a chunky beef chili over rice. And of course pineapple wedges. Pineapple is not native to Hawaii. After it was introduced only the Royal family and high level priests and Kahunas could eat it. Interesting. Certainly not the case anymore! Everything was tasty. I took a photo.

Then comes the afternoon tours. For my third tour I took a horseback tour. I couldn't take my camera along but I did get the photo they took of me. (These pictures are coming, the uploads are just too slow tonight). I rode a horse called Hercules. He needs the power of a mighty demigod to drag me around up and down these hills. I had a great time and Hercules was a trooper :)

My lat tour was the "Jungle Expedition". We rode in a Swiss Pinzgauer to see the Hakipu'u valley which is breathtaking. If you ever have a chance to ride in a Pinzgauer - DON'T. It is like a Hummer with no shocks. I think my spine is lodged in a palm tree somewhere along the path. At the halfway point we pulled over and got out (thank god) and climbed a crazy steep mountain goat path (I'm not kidding) to a lookout point. It was breathtaking. I took pictures. we returned to the hellmobiles and headed back. Our insane driver almost ran into a bunch of horseback tourists coming along the road and we had to quickly detour off the road, down an embankment and into a sortof clearing. We turned around and made it back to the ranch without killing anyone. We were all filthy and covered head to toe with dust. Glad this was my last tour of the day and not the first!

That ended my day at the ranch so I boarded a smaller motorcoach to return to Waikiki. He dropped everyone at one hotel and I was the only one going to the other drop off point. So I spent the 5 minute ride fending off requests for my phone number or to get together while I was here. Thanks but no. I did see this really cool building and decided to take a picture.

I finally got to my drop off point and decided I was tired and wanted food before heading back. I decided to eat out and try a restaurant in Waikiki. So I went to Tiki's Grill and Bar. I had a Blue Hawaiian to drink, they give you taro rolls (yes they are purple it is not your screen or eyes playing tricks) with whipped vanilla bean and banana puree butter (freaking awesome stuff), and "Local Style Japanese Curry Spiced Beef Short Ribs" which are described as: slow cooked tender boneless beef short ribs on buttery wasabi potato puree, soy braised island farm root vegetables including taro, clasheen, lotus root, molokai potatoes in a curry beef reduction sauce. Yum. Super yum. I ate a LOT. There was none left to take home :) I looked at the dessert menu and took a picture of it but couldn't eat anything. i loved the "Ridiculously small brownie" option :)

So that was it for today. With a full belly I caught a cab home. It was getting dark and I didn't want to be wandering alone in Waikiki. Better safe than sorry. I was also super mellow and tired after my adventure, wonderful food and adult beverage. Home, shower, and enter the blog. I will fight through the camera uploads and get those pictures online. It is so lovely there I can't wait to share. I have another adventure coming tomorrow though so i can't stay up all night working on photos. I will have time Saturday and Sunday to work on getting photos uploaded but for now, sleepytime so I can get up super early again tomorrow.

Aloha ahiahi ia oukou (goodnight to all of you),


  1. Horsey-rides! Yaaah you! So, you finally found something that rides harsher than the roadster eh? I guess I shouldn't tell you that I would *LOVE* a Pinzgauer as a replacement for the Jeep. :)

  2. It sounds like a fabulous day :-D

  3. Dang girl -- I sure do wish I was there with you ! (Except maybe for the Pinzqauer ride). Yo Momma and I are so glad you are having a spectacular adventure!
