Monday, May 14, 2012

What started as a morning walk... (Part 3)

May 14, 2012

So I headed for the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel where the motorcoach was to pick me up for my evening. I'm including this link because nearly every activity I am doing gets picked up at this hotel and the pictures on their website are fabulous. That way you can get an idea just how gorgeous it is here with the turquoise water.

So off I headed for Germaine's Luau. This is the Luau the locals say is the best and several people I have talked to who live here agree and have gone multiple times. That is also what the travel agent suggested. THANKFULLY I got a great discount because the normal prices were expensive! I didn't get pictures because I hadn't taken my camera and my phone was almost dead. You can see some picture on the website though. The website does not even BEGIN to do justice to the incredible skill of the male and female dancers. Here is a picture of me taken at the Luau, and a couple of pictures from the brochure I didn't see on the website.

The Luau ended at 10 and the motorcoach brought us back to the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel. It is Sunday and the buses stop running early so I caught a taxi home. After a shower that felt like pure delight and a quick upacking of the day's events I signed on here to update before I forgot things. I am now an utterly exhausted lump and ready for bed. I have to wake up fairly early tomorrow for my next activity so it's a good time to try out the travel alarm clock.

As a side note: NEVER EVER say to your self "what a good day to start breaking in my new sandals" when setting out for what you think will be a quick jaunt around the neighborhood. I am home 16 hours after starting on this morning walk. I don't even know how long and far I have walked, but I know it was over 5 miles. I have some fairly ouchie blisters. Tomorrow is definitely a tennis shoe day!!!

It is also Mother's Day. A special thank you go out to my mom and Debbie who helped make this trip possible. Mahalo (ma-ha-low) (Thank you) and Hau'oli La Makuahine. (How-oh-lee) (Lah) (Ma-coo-wah-he-nay) (Happy Mother's Day).

Aloha ahiahi ia oukou, (Good evening to all of you)


  1. Sounds like a good start - have fun today!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful first day and we were happy to help make it happen.

    Take care of those blisters! And remember to slather on the SPF 75 and don't forget the tops of your feet and your ears !

  3. Man that sounds like tons of fun. Maybe when I get my lucky hawaiian vacat-- work option... Heh.
