Sunday, May 20, 2012

update Kualoa Ranch - Fishpond and Gardens tour

May 20, 2012

Here are some of the photos from Ancient Fishing Grounds and Garden tour. The first two were taken on the catamaran on the actual ancient fishing ground. The third was on the way back to the starting place of the tour. The fourth is a coffee cherry. You squeeze it and this goop covered coffee bean comes out. This bean is then roasted and is what we then crush and drink as coffee. The last picture is red ginger. This is very aromatic and is used in all sorts of products like shampoos and the like for scent. It smells wonderful :) They gave each of us a stalk to keep.


This was my first tour of the morning.



  1. You know, when you think about it, it is amazing that we discovered coffee. I mean, who would have thought to squeeze the goopy coffee bean out and roast it... then, oh I dont know - let's roast it and make a drink out of it! :)

  2. It looks like you were in Jurassic Park
