Monday, May 7, 2012

more thanks

May 7, 2012

I was realizing there are more people to thank. First of all I have to thank Kate Mitchell. Without Kate convincing me I am not an idiot I would never have even applied for grad school, much less be loving it and doing well. Thanks Katydid! Also a thanks to my friend Rob who helps me stay upbeat and not get bogged down being too tired to do fun things as well. Mrs. Lorie Chesnut was my Maternal and Child Health Data Syetems professor this term. In addition, she coordinates the MCH Certificate program at UK, which I just finished this term also. Without her suggestions and motivations I would never have applied for this internship. Thanks Lorie and good luck on your dissertation defense this summer!

If I haven't mentioned you please be aware I haven't forgotten or overlooked you, I'm just brain dead :)

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