Monday, May 14, 2012

What started as a morning walk... (Part 2)

May 14, 2012

So I continued on down the street. I was looking for a tourism shop where I could get brochures and possibly book some touristy things for this first week. I am trying to pack a lot of sightseeing and activities into this first week before I start work. Once work starts I'll probably settle down to fewer pictures each day ;) I saw this neat little waterfall area on the side of the street that the beach is on.

I found a tourism business and set about scheduling a bunch of activities for this week. I'm not going to spoil the suprise by telling you what they are yet, you'll just have to stay tuned and get the update each day! I found a place called the Hawaii Activity Stores and booked my week. it was MUCH less than I expected, which was nice. I could take the bus around and do some of these tours for a little cheaper but it would take a lot of transfers and I'm not even sure how I would figure it out, so I decided to ask the professionals. They not only showed me tons of brochures where I picked what I wanted, but they made the reservations, printed vouchers and even printed out the bus schedules and explained them to me. They had suggestions on what I could do to save money and what was easy to do on my own. I've never had a travel agent try to save me money by NOT booking some activities and tours. They were fabulous and if I have time and money at the end I'll go through them to do whatever is left that I can do.

So I decided I was going to do one activity tonight (Sunday). The motorcoach would pick us up in Waikiki so I decided to go ahead and do my shopping and just stay in Waikiki for the day. First off I went to get my hat. The hat shop had this wall of super cute little hats that I thought would be perfect for sidesaddle! So I took a picture. (Yes, they do online orders and ship anywhere!) It is called Chapel Hats. The mini top hats and mini feather hats are too neat.

So hat in hand (or on head) I went on. I found a small quilted handbag on sale and got that. I then went to the ABC store which is kind of like a catch all tourist shop. here they refer to them as All Beach Corner shops because they are literally on EVERY street on Waikiki. I just grabbed a cheapie big tote for carrying swim stuff and shopping stuff (for the farmer's market) and also got a cheapie beach towel. I figure I will need one at some point while I am here. So I started looking for somewhere to go sit down and relax for a while. On the way I saw a McDonald's but the add was MUCH different from home. I wanted to share this. (Sorry the picture is so bad) Ty to read the words!!!

So instead I went to Lulu's. Definitely check out their link, their pictures are much better than mine. So I stayed there for a couple of hours and drank Cokes and tried to eat something. I have not been very hungry while I have been here. I have been drinking a lot because it is hot and I'm determined to stay hydrated, but with all the liquid I'm drinking and the walking and activity increase I just haven't really been hungry much. So I haven't minded splurging with the latte for breakfast and the real cokes in the afternoon. I also met a nice lady there who is here for 2 months for a job. We traded cell numbers and are going to try to meet up again to do some sightseeing on weekends. Here is a picture of my afternoon view while I relaxed.

So around 4pm I left Lulu's and headed for my evening activity...



  1. Ah yes, Hawaii's love affair with Spam ... Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam - beautiful Spam !

    And beautiful pictures -- I am there with you in spirit!

  2. Ok, I agree that mcdonalds has very different breakfast options. Not sure if I could go for all that. Hotcakes maybe hehe
