Friday, May 25, 2012

My office and some work folks

May 24, 2012

Today I woke up at 6:30 before the alarm. I actually got to sleep in late today since my first task was to meet with IT who didn't come in till later. I was lying in bed trying to make myself go back to sleep when the alarm went off. I went to turn it off and popped off the on/off button. Meanwhile the alarm still was going off. Trying not to wake up the entire house I scrambled and moved the dresser and yanked the cord from the wall. One would think I'd be very awake by then. Anyone who knows me, however, is quite aware I can lay back down and go right back to sleep. Which I did, till 8. So I got ready and headed in to work to arrive at 8:30. I had a delightful surprise when Lori called me into her office and gave me a couple of manapua. This is Lori.

Manapua is the Hawaiaan term for these chinese dim sum breakfast rolls. They are a sweet yeasty roll cooked with something in the center. Sometimes it is sweet fillings and sometimes meats. The ones this morning were a sweet shredded pork. Just think of it, a sweet pork filled fresh sweet yeasty roll. Yum. Nummy bread and incredible edible pig. FREAKING AWESOME. I had some guava nectar with it. Wonderful breakfast.

Next I hunted down Earl, the IT manager. We finished getting my computer set up. This is Earl. Earl has a puppy at his desk in the IT room, I'll try to get a picture of him tomorrow.

After getting it all set to make sure it was working we moved me down the hall to my new home. I will be sharing Susan's office. This is wonderful. This is Susan.

So I set up my desk and work area. After some tweaking for my software to get some updated versions of things I got started. We contacted the CDC to get me what I need to start the next step of my project, so while waiting I did some research and wrote up a proposal that Noella needed for a meeting tomorrow morning. She deals with Adolescent health. I will try tomorrow to get more pictures of people and explain what they do. This is Noella.

And this is our invaluable secretary!

So here is a view of my desk. During the massive research and read session, then after I was done writing the proposal and tidied for the day. I can't stand to have stuff cluttering up my desk. I had a lot of material to sort through, read, organize in my brain and get written into a proposal for why we need to develop a program. It is regarding a family oriented approach to teen date rape/violence and domestic violence. Because family is so important in this area of the world the family must be on board with the ideas of healthy dating relationships and that dating violence and domestic violence are not acceptable, normal or ok. So, regardless, I had about 3 hours to look over a LOT of material, find more online, and compile it all into a 5 minute presentation and end with a proposal for the presentation and discussion panel (complete with name of those to invite to be on the panel) for the September conference being held here (more about it tomorrow also). As a side note, I love my two monitors. People here thought I was nuts for wanting two hooked up till they saw me working today. Efficiency is a great thing. I think half of them want dual monitors now! I also found out that the name for this generation of kids is "Plurals". Pretty stupid name actually. We have the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, Milenniums, and now Plurals. Yeesh.

And here is my door.

And the view from the hallway beside my door. Yes, that is the ocean. It is not a very clear picture due to the screen being int he way. The hallway is open to the outside.

So I finished my day and was walking out of the building. I saw a pretty flower and had to take a picture. Susan i hope you are especially enjoying the pictures of all the flowers and plants, I have you in mind when I look for new ones to take photos of and post.

So I came home and ate the other half of my subway sandwich and a cup of coconut tapioca (not as good as I hoped, but now I have tried it). I'd skipped lunch after the two yummy manapuas for breakfast. I had some water at lunch but otherwise wasn't hungry. I watched a subtitled movie called The Last Train which was very sad. It was a fictional dramatization about the trip in the train to Auschwitz during WWII. Then I watched Forever Strong. That was a really good movie... Think We Are The Titans rugby version.

Now I am sleepy and it is time for bed. I can't believe a week of work has nearly passed. I'll tell more about my project tomorrow. I will actually be working on it tomorrow for a bit so I'll have more info about it fresh in my brain.

aloha ahiahi ohana, (good evening family)

1 comment:

  1. I too now have dual monitors (work and home) and it is really really nice to be able to do two things at once with full screenification.
