Monday, May 14, 2012

Grand Circle Island Tour (Part 1)

May 14, 2012

Woke up around 6:30, got dressed and headed out for another fun day. I decided since it was so nice and I had lots of time I'd walk to Waikiki again today. Tennis shoes were the much better choice for the day. So off I went. I have passed this tree several times and just can't help but think it is a perfect caricature of a Christmas tree. I asked the locals and these are the trees they use for their Christmas trees here!

So today I went on a tour called the Grand Circle Island Tour. It covers the entire island of Oahu except the western tip where there are no highways. As you can imagine i have TONS of pictures. There is way too much to tell but I'll try to hit the high points. The motorcoach took us past Diamond Head (very near where I am staying), Kahala Estates, then Hanauma Bay. I want to go snorkeling a Hanauma Bay, but these were taken from the overlook to get an idea of the area.

You can see the pretty quilted handbag I got in this picture. Something small for wallet, camera, phone and sunblock :)

I thought the mountains in the background here were gorgeous. These pictures don't do them justice but I wanted to give you an idea. I believe these are the Koolau Mountains. Imagine that as your view everyday!

From there we went to the Halona "Blow Hole" Lookout. These are formed by lava spouts. As the water comes in it shoots up through the tunnel and sprays into the air. At high tide it can shoot up to 35 feet! I thought the area was beautiful so took some pictures.

To be Continued...

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