Monday, May 28, 2012

Sleepy Sleepy Sunday

May 27, 2012

Sunday. My plan for today is simple. Sleep. Read. Sleep more. Read more. Eat in there somewhere. Sleep again. I am desperately trying to let these blisters heal up so I can get to walking.

I need some suggestions for some good books. Anyone have any they would recommend?

We just had 2 new people move in today. Erin and Jen. They are both downstairs. They are here with NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration). They are doing a 2 month internship with them.

We also had a lady move upstairs. Her name is Ren. She is Japanese and a friend of Sayuri, who came here right before me. Also upstairs we have Nozomi who has been here a little while.

Within the next few weeks we'll be full up with females. I have no idea what the males house is like. Nikki said she is turning people away because we are full. Kayla (who I met my first night here) is moving out, she got an apartment. She has been here a year. I don't know if her room is already scheduled to be filled or not.

I got instructions for where the locals go to the beach. It is about a 45 minute walk. I am not going to look for it this weekend but maybe next weekend.

I also talked to Dave about snorkeling. He is a serious diver and we discussed Hanauma Bay. He says it is a great place. It is apparently different depths so you can start very shallow for beginners and move into the deeper areas as you get more experienced. They also have lifeguards on duty. perfect for a beginner like me! I need to figure out how to get out there and try it.

No pictures for today, sorry :(

I'm specifically delaying writing about my project here because we're tweaking it. I will have more specifics this week when I get back to work. I WILL share the info about it, I just need to iron out some details with my boss.


1 comment:

  1. I am very fond of the John Carter of Mars series, be happy to email you the first book and see what you think. Another book that is interesting that I have been reading via my Kindle App on my phone is Linked: The New Science of Networks. It is about... um.. networks. Not computer ones, but how all things are interconnected. Pretty good stuff so far though.
